Friday, March 29, 2019

PDJT calls out "ridiculous bullsh*t" on the left in epic rally in Grand Rapids

PDJT lit them up in Grand Rapids last night.  Ignoring Karl Rove’s BS advice to let the Boob Nifong Mueller report alone, PDJT ripped the Dopes, the MSM et al for the lies they spread for two years about Nifong Mueller report*.  He was absolutely correct to do so.

What DJT was doing is called branding.  Saying the same thing over and over again until it is ingrained in people’s heads.  If anyone believes the Dopes and the MSM are going to let this go just because Nifong Mueller couldn’t find any evidence of collusion, fugetaboutit.  They are already doubling down.  Shifty shiftless Adam the “ridiculous bullsh*tter” Shift is already claiming everything he has said for the last two years is absolutely true.  Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, Eric nuke the gun owners Swalwell, MesSNBC, fake news CNN and a long line of Dopes and MSM bullsh*tters are doing their best Jussie Smollett swearing to a lie that everyone knows is a lie.

The Dopes are now eagerly awaiting the 300 page Nifong Mueller report.  If more than one word of the report is redacted the Dopes will start a cry, “COVER UP!!!!!!!”  If there’s so much as one line in the 1,000s of lines that can be twisted to allege collusion or obstruction the Dopes will begin to beat the impeachment drum again.

What PDJT gets that Karl Rove has no clue about is branding.  PDJT will beat the “no collusion,” “no obstruction,” “total vindication” drum loudly for the next two weeks ahead of the report becoming public.  When the report finally comes out PDJT will have already successfully branded it as a report totally vindicating him and his campaign.

When the report is finally released, look for PDJT to issue his first pardons** or declassify and release the first pages of the crooked FISA warrants that allowed Dopes to spy on his campaign based on their bought and paid for BS dossier.  When the Dopes start shouting they have the smoking gun supporting their BS claims of collusion and obstruction, PDJT will capture the news cycle with a bold move that will knock the loony left off their lunch.

*NOTE: AG Barr would have to be the dumbest guy in the world to write a report saying there is no proof of collusion/obstruction knowing he’d have to release a report that contradicts that claim.  My guess is that AG Barr was very careful to accurately portray what’s in the report. None of that will deter the Dopes and the MSM from lying, twisting, manipulating and making bullsh*t up out of whole cloth about what’s contained Nifong Mueller’s report. When they do that, Republicans should spring the trap.  They should agree with Dopes and demand Nifong Mueller and AG Barr testify before congress. Dope grandstanding and stupidity would be epic at such a hearing

**NOTE:  I’d issue these pardons one at a time over several weeks.  The drip, drip, drip of pardons will be too much for the left to take.  Night after night reacting to or waiting for the next pardon will have them checking into insane asylums or seriously considering suicide.  Free Mike Flynn first.

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