Monday, March 18, 2019

Real Racists are leftists

On January 20, 2017 at 1200 PDJT was sworn in as POTUS.  While covering the signing of several executive orders in the Ova Office on the evening of January 20, 2017, Time magazine azzbag Zeke Miller reported, incorrectly, that PDJT had removed the bust of MLK from the Oval.  Miller claimed it was an honest mistake.  BS.  Honest?  BS.  But I repeat myself.  Did Miller ask anyone what happened to the bust?  No.  He assumed the worst – which happened to confirm his own BS bias against PDJT - and reported a lie.  This was the first report insinuating that PDJT was a racist. 

The leftist BS MSM azbags have not stopped for one second paying the race card on PDJT and his supporters.  F-em. PDJT was a darling of the left and the azzbag MSM when he was pro-choice donating to leftist and hanging out with Revs? Jackson and Not-So-Sharp-ton, Opra, et al. He was never accused of being a racist until he won the Republican nomination.  WTF happened?

Meanwhile the azzbag MSM has airbrushed away the Demo-Dope real racist in VA gov Ralph Coonman Northam, his azzbag racist AG and his rapist Lt. Gov.  It’s more important to make up sh*t about PDJT than report facts about racist raping Demo-Dopes. This is the state of the battle. Dopes get a pass no matter how egregious the foul i.e. Shrillda the Hutt, Bilbo Billyboy Clinton, the Clinnton Crime Family foundation, Lois Learner, azzwipe Eric the wad Holder.  Dope, the MSM nor Rat establishment Republican said a word when Barry The Empty Suit half-wit dumped pallets of cash on the Iraninas so that they could buy off-the shelf nukes from the N Koreans, but let PDJT shift a couple of billion dollars around to build a wall and they all scream RAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Lex....I see you were schmoozing with the King...all those siting rumors were true! Did you get his autograph?
