Thursday, March 14, 2019

Let's face it Boob Nifong Mueller is an azzwipe of the highest order

As cable TV know-nothings continue to opine that Boob Nifong Mueller is close to wrapping up his two year old witch hunt – a claim they’ve made for many months now – Boob Nigong Mueller continues to act like his name sake – disgraced Duke Lacrosse prosecutor Mike Nifong. 

Like Mike Nifong, Boob Nifong Mueller has his man! Now all the dishonest waste of flesh needs is a crime to charge him with.  Mike Nifong was and Boob Nifong Mueller is engaged in his best imitation of old style Stalinist justice: Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.  They actually go Stalin one better:  If it’s PDJT, I’ll manufacture the crime. 

Yesterday, in a failed effort to get PDJT ally Paul Manafort to compose a crime against his former boss, Boob Nifong Mueller rang up Manafort on decades old white collar crimes that did not have one thing to do with PDJT. Many of the “crimes” Boob Nifong Mueller brought against Manafort were infractions that prosecutors had passed on when they when they current.  Clearly Boob Nifong Mueller’s rteam of crooked as hell Demo-Dope partisans wanted Manafort to manufacture a crime against PDJT.  When he refused to lie to give Boob Nifong Mueller what he wanted, scum Boob Nifong Mueller’s team of azzwipe prosecutors punished him by throwing him into solitary confinement for months and piled duplicitous charges one atop the other to punish Manafort.

While Boob Nifong Mueller conducts his witch hunt using dubious prosecutorial tactics that bankrupt targets, squeeze them with BS charges in order to get them to swear to government BS that manufacture a crime against the real target, the MSM BS artists continue to insist that Boob Nifong Mueller is an “honorable man.” 

He’s not.  An honorable man - looking for the truth - does not stack his team with Lefty loon Dope donors and partisans.  An honorable man does not allow his team to conduct pre-dawn Gestapo-type raids against old men who would otherwise surrender at any time and place prosecutors might demand.  An honorable man does not allow an old man to be confined in solitary to squeeze him to make sh*t up against his old boss.  An honorable man does not ignore a mountain of evidence of very real crimes against Dope operatives while just making crapola up against his the target of the deep state excrement heads.  An honorable man does not allow his “investigation” to drag on for two f-ing years when he knew two days in that the premise upon which the “investigation” was started was a hoax perpetrated by Dopes against PDJT.*  An honorable man does not screw bit players bankrupting and jailing them for manufactured crimes.  An honorable man does not sit back and watch the country being torn apart by his bogus investigation. An honorable man does not sit back and ignore a deep state coup against the duly elected President of the United States. 

Let me state this clearly as I can. Boob Nifong Mueller, by the manner that he has allow his witch hunt to be conducted, has proven himself to be an anti-American deep state azzweasel of the highest order.

But Lex Mueller was Vietnam War hero.  Benedict Arnold was one the most successful generals in the Continental Army before he became America’s best known traitor.      

*NOTE: This one reminds of the Fitzgerald charade.  That POS knew exactly who outted the already outted Valerie Plame before he found where his office was located.  Still the worthless deep state scumbag wouldn’t wrap his witch hunt until he got a worthy administration scalp – Scooter Libby – on a BS process crime while the azzwipe who actually outted the already outted Valerie Plame got exactly nothing for his part in the supposed crime that started the investigation.       

Bobby O’Rourke is running
He has one qualification to be POTUS – he looks like Bobby Kennedy.  That’s it!  He’s a former El Paso city council member and three term congressman who has done exactly nothing during his time in Caligula, D.C.

Bobby O’Rourke is the “Hispanic” version of Big Chief Lyin’ Azz Lizzy Fauxcahontas Warren.  He’s not Hispanic but he plays one when it suits his election/empolment prospects.   

Hmm, who else was an unaccomplished know-nothing who ran for POTUS?  Could Bobby “Beto” win? Hell yes. 

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