Monday, February 10, 2020

Are you tired of winning?

Note:  My posts are running a bit later in the day as a result of new meds that have pushed my reveille a bit deeper into the morning.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, then candidate Trump would tell crowds that we – America – were going to win so much that we’d get tired of winning.  Such is our success that PDJT now asks crowds at rallies if they are tired of winning.
Since his inauguration PDJT has ripped off an impressive line of successes from wiping out the ISIS caliphate, renegotiating the flawed NAFTA, achieving a phase one trade agreement with China and relocating the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem on the foreign policy front while delivering record tax cuts, record low unemployment, rising wages, record stock gains, etc., etc., etc. on the domestic front. 

PDJT delivered a solid pro-America State of the Union speech, was acquitted forever of bogus house articles of impeachment and the US Court of Appeals agreed unanimously to dismiss an emoluments case against PDJT. 

Sadly, for every winner there seems to be the need for a pathetic whining sore loser.  The better things get for America the worse it is, it seems, for Democrats.   While PDJT put forward a long list of successes for the American people during the State of the Union, Democrats sat with sour looks on their stone faces unable or unwilling to share in America’s great success. It’s like life-long Chiefs' fans not being able to enjoy the Super Bowl win because they don’t like Andy Reid’s mustache.

Then in the ultimate display of pettiness, frustration and infantile behavior Nancy Pelosi – whose district is literally what PDJT would call an S-Hole – tore up a copy of PDJT’s address to the nation for all to see.  Pelosi’s petulant display captures the bitter anger of those suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome have had on display for all to see since about 9pm on Nov 8, 2016. She acted like a brat 5 year old who, after being beaten like a drum for 25th time in a row by her younger, more handsome, more popular brother, upsets the Chutes and Ladder game to avoid another drubbing.

Gracelessness, joylessness and unhinged anger is not a good look for anyone.  They are traits that wear thin on those exposed to them in minutes.  The Democrats have now been engaged in a three year temper tantrum where all three have been on display for all to see. 
Exit question: Who’d want to join a party were the primary requirement is that you display an unbridled hatred, not only for the opposition candidate but, for one half the American population who support him?  That seems like a sad, sad way to approach life.


Infidel said...

Excellent statement, Lex. That half of the electorate, and all of the Democrats in Congress are just flat eaten up with hate. Maybe we can fix that by voting them out in November.

The Griffin said...

From the unofficial, roving, Lex reporter, The Griffin, let me report that Trump-Pence gear is hot from Ohio to Florida. Driving down to Florida last week note that roadside stands, gas stations, etc, are busy selling all things Trump. The biggest billboard in Atlanta," God loves us all...even Democrats". On the golf course this weekend I saw many golf bags with Trump stickers on them. My favorite bumper sticker said "Trump 2020, 2024, 2028". Hard to imagine Bernie, Sanders, or Mayor Pete campaigning in Kentucky, TN, or Georgia. At a gas station in Chattanooga with gas for $1.99/gal I filled up. The guy behind the counter had a sea of Trump paraphernalia. He said.."I came here 20 years ago from India. My gas station business is doing great. I love Trump. My wife loves Trump. He is my best seller". Well..that guy captured it. Trump is selling and people are buying. At least from Ohio to FLA.