Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Hate America first sad sack show for the ages on tv again tonight

There will be another Hate America First fest tonight on tv or as the MSM likes to call it - another Demo-Dope debate. 

I’ve noted this before, how can anyone – including an open-minded Democrat – watch that clown car called the Demo-Dope field of presidential candidates and say that there’s a “moderate” among them?  

There isn’t.  They are all open borders, Green New Deal BS artists that in a different age would all be labeled anarchists.  The center in the Dope party has moved so far left that the anarchists are now called “moderates.”

The field is likely to go after front running communist Bernie Sander hard even as they co-opt his message in hope siphoning off parts of the Bernie army as they sell themselves as a more electable Bernie lite.

I don’t think that will work.  Bernie will swat their critiques away like so many flies.  When asked “How are you going to pay for that?” for a nearly endless list of taxpayer funded vote buying schemes to appeal to every commie in the country, Bernie will answer the question with a question, “How do we pay for the military industrial complex?  How do we pay for the un-American wall?  How do we pay for a space program?”  It’ll go on and on like that with no real answers for anything.  

Then Bernie and Dopes, as always, will lay the bill at the door of “the rich” and “corporations.”  To make all of the Dope taxpayer funded schemes work “the rich” is going to include anyone who has a job and a “corporation” will be anyone who employs a laborer.   

But isn’t that the Dope way.  Did Barry the empty suit Obama have answers for anything he was proposing?  No.  He spoke in platitudes the vagaries of “hope” as a workable solution to rising sea levels.  Mayor Pete studied TES and is the gay half-wit version of The Empty Suit.

Mayor Pete, who now apparently fancies himself America’s pastor, says he cannot find anything in scripture that supports anyone supporting PDJT.  Well I cannot find anything in scripture that supports a man marrying a man, aborting a baby – even after live birth as is now the Dope position or condemning half the people of a nation with no forgiveness or hope of redemption.   

If I want a lesson in Christian theology I won’t be getting it from a man married to man who thinks it’s okay to kill a baby and condemns those with whom he disagrees.

Luckiest man on the stage is Mini Mike.  Bernie's undeniable front runner status and Mini's horrible performance in the last debate probably means Shorty will be left alone - ignored as dead meat - tonight.

Will Slow Joe Biden bring up Cornpop and how how he and Brian Williams were arrested trying to visit Nathan Hale in prison after being helicoptered into Boston Tea party? Idunno.  Maybe.     

I won’t watch the debate. I value my already fragile mental health too much to spend it watching a idiots trying to out idiot each other.

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