Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Lex takes Iowa in a landslide!!!

It’s true Lex, like every candidate in the field, is declaring victory in Iowa.  Why not there’s zero proof that I didn’t.  When the results are finally released they’ll be so tainted that no one will believe them, and every candidate that didn’t come out on top of the tainted will continue to claim victory all the way to the convention.

Fresh from the Acme impeachment dynamite blowing up in their ugly mugs (an improvement for most by the way) they have now fallen through the fake hole they painted on the floor with this Iowa caucus humiliation.   

So, the Dopes cannot get their feces amalgamated sufficiently to count votes in manner to ensure their handpicked candidates a victory.  The whole thing fell the instant the Dopes decided count first, second and third tier votes. So that scenario goes like – “go stand in a square for who you want to win.  Ooops, you people supporting candidate X have chosen a loser.  Move to someone who has a better chance to win.  Oops, again you have chosen a looser.  Move to another square.  Okay that it’s it.  This is official.  Sadly, you are all still standing in squares of a losers. So now we have to invent a “computer glitch” that will hide all the vote that the party organ does not approve.  But don’t worry in a couple of months when the party organ has susficianlt rigged the vote down the line, we will release our results.”

That’s stupid as hell.  Count the f-ing votes and declare a winner morons.  These are the same azzbags that what to run a gazillion dollar Green New Deal, run your health care, take your guns, chose what you eat, drive and where you live.  These incompetent F**ks couldn’t organize a one car funeral or water cooler conversation.  They couldn’t count people in an empty roon.

The people who rolled out the Dope counting BS in Iowa are probably the exact same dumbazzes who set up the Roberscare enrollment web site or dreamed the Fast and Furious fiasco.  Anyone who thins that this royal screw up is an accident, remember the Des Moines spiked their late poll due to irregularities.  The only irregularity was that the party organ’s favorite candidate was getting clobbered.   

No doubt the Dopes will blame PSJT is responsible.  “He hired the f-ing Russians to hack our stupid app!!!!”

Due to my condition I was able to flip in and out of the impeachment trial.  The lefties all had their shorts in wad from the gitgo.  They marveled at the diversity found in the House Managers’ team and the whiteness of PDJT’s team.  I think that that observation is racist.

PDJT’s team looked the part.  House Managers were a mess.  Ugly dressed poorly fitting clothes is not a good look.  That said, Jerry Nadler probably looks like a soup sandwich in 4,000 dollar suit.

Once the trial got going it was clear who chose the better team.  In manner and in fact PDJT’s team hammered the facts contained in the Impeachment articles. Dopes were all over the place.  It truly was a kitchen sink prosecution.  Arms flailing and shouting from time to time, they threw everything PDJT has been accused of since birth misrepresented it all, made sh*t up and insulted anyone who wasn’t buying their BS.

Their request for “more witnesses” was dead on arrival when the Dope managers claimed to have presented an air tight case of impeachment.  So which is it – and air tight case or one that requires more witnesses?

The game was great.  The pre-game and halftime shows were soft porn that the “me too” crowd has decided to ignore. 

Here’s the acid teat.  PDJT should put on a show like the halftime and wait for the howl from the left about exploiting women.

State of the Union
I was bit disappointed when Republicans let the acquittal slide until Wednesday, now I think it was savvy move.  It has allowed Dopes to continue to dig their hole a bit deeper. They have the right to remain silent, but they can’t STFU.

People are warning PDJT off of bringing impeachment up at the SOTU tonight.  I’d encourage him to go right at it and expose it as the BS it is.

All the cool kids have cancer.  Rush Limbaugh announced he has advanced lung cancer yesterday.  I’ve been a steady listener for about 20 years.  He doesn’t know me, but I feel like I know him.    I hope he gets though it and leads a normal life.             

Today’s JG Rant
Re: JG editorial “Vote of conscience” of Jan 30, 2020.

If the soulless, hate-filled, hypocritical, partisan House Democrats and their MSM lackeys had taken the high road, the nation would never have been mired in an impeachment mess.  If House Democrats had exercised one ounce of caution, common sense or fair play, if they’d have had the courage to ignore the foulmouthed screeching mob on their left, if they’d have had the good sense to follow the criteria for impeachment laid out by their own leader, if they’d have had the memory to recall and wisdom heed the warnings on impeachment issued by senior members of their own party with regard to the Clinton impeachment, if they’d taken one second to consider the good of the nation and put that ahead of partisan politics, if they’d have done any or all of that the cruelty the House Democrats concocted would never have been loosed on the American people.

They ignored it all.  They loaded a dump truck full of steaming, dripping bovine excrement and dumped it into the well of the senate.  Then Democrats and the JG suggested it was Indiana Senator Todd Young’s responsibility to rid the senate of the stench.  The air freshener they claimed would cover the unpleasant odor was testimony from John Bolton.  Nonsense.

Even if one believes everything the NY Times purports to be in Bolton’s upcoming book, nothing in that account is dispositive of the issues in dispute.  PDJT and his Chief of Staff both deny Bolton’s account.  AG Barr branded Bolton’s account a “gross mischaracterization” of the truth. So the absolute best Democrats could have hoped for was Bolton telling his story and the rest of the people in the know in the government denying it.  So what was to be gained?  Absolutely nothing.          

Thursday, January 30, 2020 1:00 am
Vote of conscience
Young can rise above Senate's partisanship
Friday could be a defining moment for U.S. Sen. Todd Young.
Young's Indiana colleague, Sen. Mike Braun, calls the impeachment process “a sham” and has made it clear he will do nothing to slow down the Senate's exoneration of President Donald Trump.  
Young seems to have been careful to avoid foreclosing his options in the trial, stressing his intention to do his job as an impeachment juror. 
Before the end of this week, senators may be asked to vote on whether to hear witnesses in Trump's trial. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has demanded his Republican colleagues line up behind him to defeat that proposal.
Those who have already expressed certainty of Trump's innocence should welcome the opportunity to hear from key witnesses. If the reported allegations of John Bolton, the president's former national security adviser, are to be discounted, for instance, why not put him on the stand and subject him to cross-examination?  
The prospect of a Republican-controlled Senate voting to convict a Republican president is as unlikely as was the idea of a Democratic-controlled Senate voting to convict Democratic President Bill Clinton 21 years ago. But the question of calling witnesses is about the Senate's constitutional obligation to conduct a fair and thorough impeachment trial – not about convicting or exonerating the president. 
Still, in such a partisan environment, it's understandable that Republican senators troubled by the idea of refusing to hear witnesses may fear the political consequences of breaking ranks. Young, who learned about courage and integrity as a Marine long before he entered the Senate, could set an example for his colleagues by voting to open the process to witnesses. No doubt there would be those in Indiana who would condemn their senator for doing that. But as a member of the Senate, as a Hoosier and as a member of the Corps, Young is most of all honor-bound to do the right thing. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

All the Dem candidates got a trophy last night, a juice box, and headed to New Hampshire. Except Slow Joe who boarded the SS Minnow and is lost at sea. Glad to hear Lex won too. The trophy is in the mail. What did we learn about Iowa last night? We learned it's a waste of time to go out in the snow at night to vote if the caucus location has 10 Cray super computers with incomplete algorithms, being operated by Professor Corey. A number 2 pencil and some paper still works well when doing addition. Which is actually still called arithmetic. Not even math.