Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Catching up on things

The Dope Debate
The biggest take away from the Dopes’ Friday night debate is lyin’ dog faced Slow Joe Biden saying that Alex Vindman should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PMOF) rather than Rush Limbaugh.
First a word about Rush.  Much has been written and commented upon about Rush’s contribution to the cause of liberty and advancing the conservative point of view.  By his bestselling books, popular newsletter and five times weekly 3 hour radio show Rush has been the anchor of conservative thought for more than 30 years.  Others focus on Rush singlehandedly saving of the AM radio ban and 10s of thousands of jobs by giving rise to a 1,000 conservative voices (Rush wannabes if you will) that dominate the AM air waves and without which the AM dial would have been doomed to sink into local free access radio programming of free verse poetry from every failed long-haired dope smoking wannabe in the city.

All of that is true.  But I think one thing Rush is getting short shrift for is his remarkable work for charity.  Rush has donated millions and raised additional hundreds of millions for the Lymphoma Society to fight cancer. He has raised millions for the Tunnel to Towers fund through his sale of Stand up for Betsy Ross merchandise.  He has donated and raised additional millions for Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation - most famously by auctioning off Harry the roach Reid’s letter to Clear Channel asking for Rush to be suspended for pointing out that a “phony soldier” was indeed a fraud.

Now for the fat faced, non-PTing, over weight, insubordinate, arrogant POS Vindman.  He should be charged for insubordination, reduced in rank and booted from the Army with great fanfare.

The State of the Union
One thing that caught my ear was PDJT asking to fund technical education in every high school in America. Regulars of the page know that Lex has long argued for a new paradigm for secondary education.

My guess is that people with skills (i.e. plumbers, welders, electricians, heavy equipment operators etc.) will be able to write their own tickets as millennials drift away from being capable of changing their own oil, fixing their own leaky sink, securely nailing two 2X4s together etc.

It’s sad, but I think it’s true that these highly paid execs will lack the basic skills that dad or grandpa had.  Come to think of it, I suppose it’s always been that way.  These highly paid execs may value their time more than the money it may cost them to have a plumber install a new kitchen faucet (or they may rely on their handy older brother).

Anyhoo, I’m convinced giving kids a third choice other than the SOS high school classes that do nothing for their future other than meeting the minimum credit requirement for graduation and college prep is awesome.  

Prepare kids to enter the workforce.  What’s wrong with that mission statement?

New Hampshire Primary
Every braindead, lobotomized idiot (AKA the Dope base) in NH is claiming to be undecided this morning in the hopes of scoring an interview on cable TV.  

“Well I dunno.  I kinda like Bernie but he’s a godless commie who Trump will kill, and he ain’t even a Democrat.  Biden can’t remember what his last name is most days and has spawned a know-nothing unemployable drug addict of a son mired in Ukraine, China, Romania money laundering schemes.  When Biden challenges Trump to a fist fight during the first debate, Trump will drop him like a bag of dirt.  Then there’s a couple of billionaires who I’ve been programmed to hate, so they’re out.   So I’m thinking Mayor Pete, but black men ain’t never gonna vote for no gay white dude – but they aren’t homophobic or racist for that in no way – so Pete’ll get clobbered in the general.  So now I’m leaning toward that lanky American Indian gal who is sort of a Bernie light alternative, but she’s told more fables than Aesop. So I guess that leaves that Amy gal who eats her lunch with her comb.  Idunno, who are you voting for?”

Hmmm, come to think of it maybe there’s good reason for Dope voters to be undecided. 

Best line of the night.  Brad Pitt: I was told to keep this to 45 seconds.  That’s 45 seconds more than the senate gave John Bolton to speak.
Actually, that’s not a bad line.  Kinda funny.

One, there is not one thing keeping John Bolton from talking to Brad Pitt or anyone else.

Prediction:  Bolton doesn’t want to talk to anyone before his book tour. Then he’ll talk just enough to spur book sales.  Then when the total is revealed, it’ll be a glass is half full for both sides.  Everyone will take away their opposing talking points none of which solves anything.  Bolton will laugh all the way to the bank.

Two, here’s best rebuttal to Pitts line from a comic on Fox and Friends, 45 seconds is more time than the left gave Trump after his inauguration before moving for impeachment. 

By the magnitude of the two cases, that kinda trumps Pitt’s petty little joke.

Today's JG rant
RE: Tony Henry’s letter “State of the Union was horror show” of Feb 11, 2020

It makes sense in today’s polarized political scene that a speech whose theme was “the great American comeback” would trigger so many suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Just the thought of an American comeback was apparently enough give Tony Henry nightmares.
Henry was given the shakes when PDJT reported the employment success of American minorities under the Trump economic boom. For Henry lifting people out of poverty and off of food stamps through meaningful work is exploiting them.  For Henry passing criminal justice reform is manipulation of black and Hispanic Americans and opening opportunity zones in America’s inner cities is oppression.  Very weird indeed.

Then Henry goes after Rush Limbaugh.  Henry writes that Limbaugh is “notorious for his divisive rhetoric.”  It is not the least bit odd that the lefty speech police on campus, this page, college campus and social platforms label all speech they disagree with as “divisive.”

Limbaugh has attained stardom by mixing the truth with irreverent humor. For Democrats, it seems, the truth is divisive.  My guess is that Henry is not a regular Limbaugh listener.  If he says that is, he’s a lying dog faced pony soldier.  I believe that is colorful phrase Democrats have embraced when trashing their own constituents these days.

The real divisive behavior at the State of the Union was all on the Democrat side.  In the ultimate display of pettiness, frustration and infantile behavior Nancy Pelosi – whose district is literally what PDJT would call a S-Hole – tore up a copy of PDJT’s address to the nation for all to see.
Henry ends his letter with this question: What have we become?  Great again, Mr. Henry.  We’ve become great again.                       

State of the Union was a horror show
The State of the Union address was emotionally defeating for me and I suspect for many others. I went to bed and had a nightmare.

Triumphal Trump stuck it to his base and how he has sealed his House and Senate followers behooves me. He exploited minorities by singling out Hispanics, African Americans and military personnel whom ironically he has been oppressing since he took office. Shame, shame!

Then came the crescendo, Rush Limbaugh, notorious for his divisive rhetoric, was crowned with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Are you kidding? My God! Just what have we become?
Tony Henry
 Fort Wayne

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