Monday, February 17, 2020

Bloomberg risks life if he taps Clinton

It's chemo day so posting may be light and/or incoherent over the next few days. 

VP Shrillda the Hutt?
Over the weekend, The Drudge Report indicated that Mini Mike Bloomberg was considering Shrillda the Hutt as his running mate if he’s able to secure the Demo-Dope nomination.  The best response I read about that was some guy who wrote, “The first thing Bloomberg will need to do after picking Clinton as his VP is hire a food taster.”

Today’s JG Rant
When PDJT was acquitted for life and for all of history on Feb 5, 2020, the JG letters page turned into a forum for weeping, whining, sad sacs who, already suffering from extreme cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), were pushed over the edge.

In a conversion to rival Saul’s, many of the lying dog face pony soldiers took to heaping great praise on Mitt Romney.  The same man they trashed as a vulture capitalist at Bain, a threat to pets everywhere for building a kennel for the family dog to ride atop their station wagon, a guy who stored women in binders, an idiot who warned of the Russian threat long before Russia became the Democrats’ White Whale etc. just like that became a profile in courage for voting to convict PDJT on the first article of impeachment.

Other lying roly-poly bat faced girls of “You Can Call Me Al” fame got on their moral high horses to question the Christian moorings of anyone who might think Democrats may have overreached by bringing articles of impeachment that failed state a crime and could produce no victim.

Perhaps the most curious – to date anyway – was a lying heart faced Valentine’s Day card from Wendy Burke - “Troubling symptoms call for explanation.”  Demonstrating an extreme case of TDS, Burke claims that her HD TV allows her to see PDJT’s “dramatically dilated pupils.”  Really?  What else can see on your magic HD TV, Ms. Burke?  Was the third shot fired from the grassy knoll?

Always one to worry about the president she loathes health, Burke asks if we are permitted to inquire about PDJT’s “persistent, inexplicable sniffling.”  Yes.  Yes we are.  That’s why the president undergoes an annual physical.  When Admiral Ronny Jackson gave PDJT a glowing bill of health in 2018 – to include a 30 for 30 in cognitive agility – the press and lying pigeon faced whiner babies (AKA Democrats) questioned the doctor’s ability, bedside manner and sobriety.

PDJT’s campaign ought to have to report lying fat faced pencil necked Managers’ impeachment effort as a billion dollar in-kind donation to his re-election campaign.    

Troubling symptoms call for explanation
In this age of big-screen, ultra-high-definition televisions, when will it become unavoidable to have a serious discussion about President Donald Trump's dramatically dilated pupils when he holds off-the-rails events like he did in the wake of his impeachment acquittal? Should we just continue pretending we don't see them as they come and go? In America, aren't we permitted to at least inquire about such things, as well as his persistent, inexplicable sniffling? Isn't this a critical health-related matter when the person in question has command of our nuclear arsenal? Aren't we entitled to know what is really going on before we vote in November?
Wendy Burke
Fort Wayne

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