Wednesday, March 11, 2020

And the big winner is...BERNIE!!!

The big winner last night was – drum roll please – Bernie Sanders.  “What?! YGBSM Lex, Bernie?!  He took an azzwhippin.  Bernie, really?!”  Yeah, Bernie.

Here’s why.  Bernie didn’t get the votes, but his ideas did.  Bernie successfully dragged the Demo-Dope party to his BS point of view.  Remember, only Amy Combachar raised her hand during a debate indicating that she’d have a problem with a socialist leading the Demo-Dope Party.  The rest, including Slowly Joely Biden, were perfectly okay with that prospect.  Bernie normalized socialism/communism in the Dope Party.

Because of the rush to embrace the Bernie/AOC wing of the Dope Party, Demo-Dopes were dragged down the disastrous impeachment road.  That process hurt the Slowly One and boosted PDJT.  Bernie/ACO dragged the Dope Party into a full throated endorsement of the impossibly expensive and impossible to implement Green New Deal.  Bernie got Slowly Joely to appoint idiot Betto Bobby Frankie O’Rourke as his future gun grabbing tsar.  Bernie got everyone of the 18,000 wannabe Dope presidential candidates to support free healthcare for illegal aliens who break into the country.  Bernie got the Dope field to support college loan forgiveness and free college education – for illegal aliens as well I suppose.  Bernie drug the Dope Party to open borders and probably a few other socialist/commie positions that would have been unthinkable for the Party of JFK just three years ago.

This is how bad it is, Shrillda the Hutt couldn’t win the Dope primary running on the exact same platform she supported in 2016.  Of course, when it comes to gaining power, Shrillda will assume whatever form necessary to that end.

Bottom line:  There are few if any moderates left in today’s Dope Party.  When they raise their heads, they are called lying dog faced pony soldiers or told they are full sh*t.  People are not leaving the Dope Party.  The Dope Party is flooding its own water-tight compartments in a foolish effort to purify the Dope ship of state of all but the most committed Socialist/communists Bernie/AOC types.

With Slowly Joely they got a dead fish commie with no personality and less of a forward looking agenda for working class Americans.

The good news is that Bernie ain't going anywhere until he can exact a pound or two or ten of flesh from Slowly Joely and Dopes. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Dems have put down two coats of paint and are still standing in an unpainted corner. They have two terrible candidates and are picking senility over socialism. Bernie is happy that Cubans, under Castro, learned to read before they were tied to a post and shot. And Slow Joe says " poor kids are just as smart as white wait Asian kids, goat kids, beanie babies, you know what I mean". Personally I want Slow Joe. The laugh factor is large with him. The Dems are trying hard to find a way to put pennies between the electrical synapses of Joe's rusty brain as all of his fuses keep blowing. Lex his right. Bernie has led the Dems to a hard left. And Slow Joe is doing perpetual circles in his own mental cul-de-sac. Trump is primed to win the big time Olympic Games but the Dems are just trying to qualify for the Special Olympics. The final thing Dems can do now to help Trump is name Harvey Weinstein as Joe's VP candidate.