Friday, March 06, 2020

Demo-Dopes hate girls and ... well all minorities

Sometimes a Demo-Dope will inadvertently speak the truth.  Take the baboon’s azz ugly Rashida Tlaib who uttered this absolute truism “maybe you shouldn’t even want to have sex with me” at the kill all the babies rally at the Supreme Court the other day.  Truer words were never spoken by this mean spirited foul mouthed angry wench who had the entire ugly tree fall on her worthless horrid head at a very young age.   

Another Demo-Dope woman couldn’t bring herself to face the ugly truth.  Heap Big Chief Wannabe Lizzy Warren blamed misogyny for her pathetic campaign for president falling flatter than a buffet biscuit under Michael Moore’s foot.  Unable to face the fact her lying scrawny azz just didn’t play well with Demo-Dopes, Chief Lizzy laid big wampum on the girl card.  So just what does it say about the Demo-Dope electorate that they are woman hating pigs?

They didn’t go for the lying fake Indian who claimed her kids attended public schools when they didn’t, got fired for being pregnant when she didn’t, said her father worked at hardware store when he didn’t, said her grandparents eloped because of Indian blood when they didn’t and most importantly couldn’t explain basic facts about any of her 10,000 or so “I’ve gotta plan for that” BS. 

Willie Brown’s part time whore, Kammie Harris, got into the act blaming woman hating Demo-Dopes for Chief Lies-a-lot and her own BS campaign failure.  Kammie couldn’t accept that Dope voters saw thorough voting for a part time dope smoking whore who made a living throwing people in jail for prostitution and drug use.

These two sucky BS candidates could not bring themselves to say, “Look we were terrible candidates.  Kammie’s own dad called her on her on BS.  And Lizzy lost all credibility when she uttered the now famous words, ‘I’m gonna get me a beer.’  That’s right up there with John François Kerry’s, 'Is this where I get me a huntin’ license?’ Even Dopes know a phony BS artist when they see one.  Big Chief BS Artist and Kammie the dope smoking whore need to take a bit of an inward reflection as to their own short comings. They also need to remember it was THE DEMO-DOPEs WHO REJECTED THEIR WORTHLESS LYING AZZES.

So now all the girls – except Tulsi – and young people of color and gay blades have been run out of the Demo-Dope primary by the racist, misogynist, homophobic Dope electorate, leaving only two old, old, senile rich white guys.  Now whose fault is that? PDJT’s?  Republicans?  MSM?  Racist, misogynistic, homophobic Demo-Dope voters?

Chuckles the weeping Clown Scummer
Chuckles lied his way through a non-apology apology yesterday and the MSM and Demo-Dope hack non-moderate moderates, like WV Dope Joe Manchin, got on their knees and serviced the lying POS as he spun one lie after another.

Of course weak kneed Rat establishment Republicans will give the POS a pass. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The Last Mohican Lizzy folded up the teepee. Her anti-man campaign was successful. Dem men did not vote for her. Hard to say,"I hate you men and want your vote". She is a victim...again.
Joe and Bernie will debate next week and according to Dems their party will tout being the party of the future. Both will delve into how to protect America during Y2K.