Friday, March 20, 2020

Cut government regulations permanently, screw the ChiComs

In the post under Lex wonders if the extra-constitutional overreach being exercised by the government in response to the Chinese virus will become the norm for other so called “crises” like gun violence in Chicago.

I'm not sure if the current government overreach is necessary and responsible or not right now.  It may turn out to be the greatest thing since pre-sliced bread.  It's dependent upon if and how quickly we return to the status quo ante.  

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I wonder if the government response to the Chinese virus with regard to the stripping away of useless government regulations will continue when the crisis passes. I think we were all amazed how fast the government can work when someone points out and then removes useless government regulation designed for nothing more than putting power in the hands overpaid underworked useless know-nothing government bureaucrats who design the system to justify their BS jobs. 

The test will be if the government can fast track this new chloroquine treatment and then mass produce it. How great would that be?  Talk about bending the curve.  The first treatment will go to the sickest among us, then healthcare providers, then those in close proximity to known carriers, then the rest of us.

Yeah it’s the f—king Chinese virus.  The other good thing to come out of this disaster will be if we finally cut the godless Chinese communist bastards off at the knees.  We simply cannot be dependent on these commie azzbags for anything more important to us than a loaf of stale bread.  F—k ‘em.  Bring the supply chain home or at least diversify it among allies. 

Our current arrangement is like Popeye depending on Bluto for his supply of spinach.  It make no sense.  It's dangerous.  It has to end.

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