Friday, March 13, 2020

Today's JG post: PDJT's economic boom

Delusional JG writers insist on penning letters that repeat Obama’s fairy tale that it was his 8 year moribund economy that laid the groundwork for Trump’s heretofore booming economy.  That would make sense if even one of the writers could point to a single Obama/Biden economic policy that has remained in place during the boom.  I’ll wait.

The fact of the matter is, no matter how many made up charts and phony websites writers point to, President Trump reversed every single failed Obama-era economic policy, and with it, reversed the floundering Obama/Biden economy.” (White House statement refuting Obama’s bogus claim that he started the Trump’s recovery.)

But don’t take PDJT’s word for it.  Remember it was Obama who said it would take a “magic wand” to return manufacturing job back the US.  Well I suppose PDJT found one somewhere.

Obama and his acolytes saying that it was Obama who laid the groundwork for the economic growth under Trump is akin to saying Al Gore laid the ground work for Internet.    

Republicans coast off Democrats' successes
Once again, “The Donald” is boasting about the best, biggest turnaround of the economy – ever!
Thank you, President Obama.
Just like President Clinton handed a good economy over to “W” Bush, “W” handed over an economy at its worst to Obama, plus the billions being spent in the Mideast wars.
President Trump is merely riding the economic wave the Obama administration started. Any legislation Trump enacted would not have an effect on the real economy for a couple years but would give him and his wealthy friends instant tax breaks.
Speaking of taxes, where are the tax returns for Trump and family? 
The president's lack of morals, patriotism and defiance of the Constitution bring shame to the office.
Daniel Couture
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Obama's economic policies? Let's see. Obamacare destroyed an imperfect healthcare system leaving us with an extremely expensive one that is much worse. Of course in 2020 it is the big item needing massive reform. How about throwing away billions of our tax dollars on Solartron, California Light Rail, Michelle's School Trail Mix lunch programs. And raising all taxes including corporate which further pushed US companies overseas to make things like medicines. Layered regulations with thousands of pages of nonsensical BS were flying out of Wash DC faster than Nancy Pelosi could read them. The Obama economic policies as a collection should be labeled, "The Government Virtue Signaling With An Unlimited Budget Economic Train Barack O". And Joe Biden says he helped that train wreck.