Monday, March 30, 2020

Today's JG rants - anti-Christians bigots and the Doomsday Clock farce

I’d like to thank the JG’s alert editorial board for printing Emory Earl Toops’ letter “Moral vacuousness’ in freedom claim” of Mar 29, 2020 and in the process exposing Toops and other like him as the racists that they are.  Toops pointing to “white evangelical parishioners” while excluding all others is the very definition of racist behavior, no.  I can almost hear Toops at the dinner table, “Those damn uppity white evangelicals are moving into the neighborhood.  There go the property values.” 

Toops thinks white evangelicals’ only interest in “freedom” of religion is the freedom of “big box, white evangelicals” to force “their beliefs on everyone else.”  Very weird.  The only religion I know of that actively tries to force their beliefs on others is radical Islam.  The other example I suppose would be the freedom from religion crowd like Toops and godless communist governments in China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. 

None are willing tolerate freedom of religion or even freedom of speech in support of religion.  That’s Toops’ real problem – the freedom of speech of people who support religion.  He cannot stand it.  Toops ignoring it or changing the channel is not an option.  Toops insists that the people speaking must be silenced. 

I cannot wait to hear what Toops has to say about black Baptist, Asian Catholics and, oh my, the Jews – that, no doubt, is a Golden Pen waiting to happen for a bigot like Toops supported by the JG editorial staff.      

 Sunday, March 29, 2020 1:00 am
Letters to the editor
'Moral vacuousness' in freedom claim
U.S. Rep. Jim Banks; State Reps. Christopher Judy, Bob Morris and Christy Stutzman; and Fort Wayne City Council members Jason Arp and Paul Ensley must believe the coronavirus stops at the mention of Jesus (“Pushback over closing churches,” March 24).
Neither are they and their big-box, white evangelical parishioners heeding the injunction to “Love thy neighbor as thyself” when they believe public health rules meant for everyone don't apply to them.
Finally, their attempt to fabricate closure of churches during a national and international health crisis as an attack on religious freedom in Allen County is indicative of their own moral vacuousness.
I've lived in Allen County long enough (five years) to know the “religious freedom” espoused by Banks, Judy, Morris, Stutzman, Arp and Ensley is the “freedom” to force their beliefs on everyone else.
The three years of the Trump administration have been a test for churches and their values, a test many churches in Allen County have failed. For if your God says it's fine to go out and infect someone else, then you need a new God.
 Emory Earl Toops
Fort Wayne

In the face of a pandemic likely to cost the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide, it must be nice to have at the top of your list of things to worry about a metaphoric clock that, unlike a stopped watch that is correct twice a day, has NEVER been correct.

So it is for Tim Tiernon (“Politicians must make the choice for peace” letter of Mar 29, 2020) who worries about the Doomsday Clock sitting at 100 seconds until midnight – the supposed end of the world.  Of course the clock never moves unless it is manipulated by something called The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist.

No one knows the calculus that goes into the group’s determination of how the clock is set.  It used to be a judgement as to how far we humans were from destroying ourselves through nuclear annihilation. After having their calculus on nuclear destruction proven wrong every year since 1947, in 2007 the group decided they’d include climate change into their calculus.  Why not??  There are never enough things to be paranoid and perpetually wrong about.

It was just a short 50 years ago “scientists” were warning us about a coming ice age.  Since then we have lived through the destruction of the planet from a depleted ozone, the ruination of the planet due to acid rain, the death of the oceans due to global warming, the flooding of coastal cities due to melting ice caps.  We’ve been whipsawed from global cooling, to global warming, to climate change, to now climate disruption.

Through it all we’re living longer, enjoying cleaner air and water, driving more fuel efficient autos, etc. yet the doomsday clock moves closer to midnight.  Weird, huh. 

Ft. Wayne for Happiness and Chocolate Cake

Politicians must make the choice for peace
Americans should beware when politicians promise a “return to normalcy.” Time is linear. There is no going back.
We have warmed our planet with greenhouse gases. Denial will not make it cooler.
Democracy will fail us if we choose short-term comfort over action that can avert catastrophic climate change. This is no time for half measures. Ineffective greenwashing is a crime against future generations.
There is a clock we can turn back – the doomsday clock. We were at nine minutes to midnight when George W. Bush started the War on Terror.
The bulletin of atomic scientists advanced the clock twenty seconds over the Iran crisis. We are now at 100 seconds to midnight (the closest ever).
The Iran crisis demonstrates how quickly military action can spin out of control. Our military base near Kirkuk was likely attacked by ISIS. The Iraqi military warned us of that possibility.
Americans focused on the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Few people learned we also killed Iraqi Gen. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and 25 members of Iraq's popular mobilization force (fighting ISIS). The Associated Press called the general a “senior Iraqi militia leader” and his troops “Iranian-backed militia.” We were lucky Iran chose to deescalate.
We need a president and Congress that will rejoin the international community to combat climate change, create effective nuclear treaties and advance diplomacy over militarism.
Nostalgia is a funny thing. People remember that President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Few remember he dropped 26,000 bombs in one year after winning that prize.
Tim Tiernon
Fort Wayne for Peace

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