Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Quid pro quo Slow Joe has the big Mo.

Well, well, well Lex was clearly wrong.  I said Slowly Joe's best day would be the day he announced.  He’s now the leader of the Dope Party, which tells you everything you need to know about that Party. Who knew, given the 1,800 available candidates, the Dopes would settle on the dumbest guy in the race?

The good news for the Slow One is that he’s now the front runner in an ever thinning Dope field.  The bad news is that the Slow One is now the front runner in an ever thinning Dope field.  Can Slow Joe the gaffe machine now running at full throttle withstand the additional scrutiny?  Can he go one on one with Bernie for 90 minutes in a debate without imploding? 

If I were the pathetic Mike Bloomberg, I wouldn’t bow out just yet.  There’s great potential for the Slow One to step on his crank daily from this day forward.  The media, of course, will run top cover for the Slowest of all Joes hiding as much of his dementia as possible until PDJT filets the idiot live on TV in the first presidential debate for all to see.

PDJT will begin his campaign against the Slow One as soon.  He will also sow seeds of doubts within the Dope Party indicating Bernie got screwed by Dope Party elites, which is largely true.  So will the Bernie bots turn out for the Slowest One?  Hmm. Dunno. 

There’s also the prospect of a Republican Operation Chaos in certain states to prop Bernie up.  The lying cheating Fox gasbag Donna Bo Bo Brazil has warned Republicans to “stay the hell out” of the Dope selection process, which sounds an awful lot like an invitation to get in.  When a miserable lying cheating b*tch like Bo Bo Brazil tells you to stay out, whatta you do?  Get in.  So when the Dope primary comes to Indiana, an open primary state, I’ll be pulling the lever for Bernie. 

Bo Bo Brazil is the same lying cheating b*tch who got fired at CNN for giving Shrillda the Hutt the questions ahead of a debate or townhall and then, of course, was hired by the failing Fox News for the sole purpose to have someone who could make Juan Williams, who couldn’t make it at NPR, look smart. 

After the election, Fox can hire Slowly Joe to make Bo Bo Brazil and Lou Dobbs’ ties look smart.

In other good news, Slowly Joe has indicated that Betto Bobby Franky O’Rourke will be in charge of rounding up your guns for his administration.  A more pathetic figure knocking on your door demanding your guns, I cannot imagine.

The pundits are mouthing the words that socialism/communism lost to moderation last night.  It didn’t.  There are no Dope moderates.  They are all socialist/communists.  Some are just keeping it quiet until after the election. Biden is gun grabbing, tax raising, open borders, Green New Deal, free healthcare for all bozo wrapped in a mantel of “moderation” professed by a lying MSM.  It’s all BS.  He’s as much  a socialist/commie bastard as Bernie but lacks the manhood to announce it.

I don’t think Slow Joe and the Dopes know what’s going to land on His Slowness’s empty head in 3…2…1…        

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