Monday, March 02, 2020

Today's JG rant

In response to a long line of letters essentially stating “I hate Trump and so should you or you’re an evil un-Christian, un-American constitution hating person,”  I offer the following:

I love President Donald J. Trump.  Only PDJT could get Democrats to:

- side with MS-13 when he called them “animals.” 

- root for a recession when the booming economy hiccoughs. 

- suspend all reason and common sense and try to take credit for Trump’s booming economy. 

- welcome Christ back into the party but only insofar as it allows them to virtue signal and bash their political foes for not being Christian enough. 

- hail Mitt Romney as hero and a profile in courage. 

- root for Middle East unrest when he moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. 

- recognize the Russian threat after Obama told Romney “the 1980’s called and want their foreign policy back.”

- nominate a phony socialist millionaire with two houses and a “summer camp” who isn’t even a Democrat. 

- excuse the raging racism of a Democrat Governor.

- cast aside all reason and impeach him without stating a crime or a victim and in the process boost his popularity by 10 points while at the same time tarring their own front running candidate. 

- side with virulent anti-Semites in their own caucus – one of whom married her own brother in order to commit a fraud on our immigration system.

- root for a deadly virus over the health and well-being of the American people. 

- not only accept but cheer the infantile behavior of an angry, unhinged, white, millionaire, octogenarian woman at the State of the Union. 

Only PDJT could get the JG to print what is essentially the same angry letter full of fake news seven or eight times a week. 

Evangelical support for Trump is baffling
Can evangelicals please tell me what it is that makes them want to support Donald Trump? I really don't get it.
Is it about what used to be the Republican platform? Is it the cultural changes over the past few years that include gay marriage and the equality of women? You can't blame a president for cultural changes and, anyway, there is no going back now.
Is it about abortion? He couldn't care less about abortion. It is also the law and, no matter how much he would love to change that to secure your vote, that is not in his power, yet. He has already stacked the Supreme Court in an effort to reverse Roe vs. Wade so you don't need him for that anymore.
The way the federal government is being run right now is through fear and intimidation and the ego of one very flawed person who pretends, when it is convenient, to be spiritual. There is no truth or compassion and most certainly no Christian values. The country is being run for the pleasure and profit of one person.
He does not care about the needs of anyone other than himself. He lies automatically to advance himself and only himself. Sadder still is how cruel he can be to absolutely anyone. 
How has life improved for you? If you are very rich, congratulations on your tax cuts. Otherwise, we live in fear of disappearing and low-paying jobs, of his ego-driven attack on another country, of his cutting support for the neediest, of his complete disregard for the warming planet, of his tearing children from their mothers and locking them in separate cages. Does your Christian doctrine say you should only love those who speak your language? That's not what I learned in Sunday school.
How much fear and corruption can you tolerate before you do what is needed to uphold our democratic republic and the freedom from manipulation that overshadows everything in this country right now? What kind of world are we leaving our children?
Cat Voors
Fort Wayne 

Saturday, February 29, 2020 1:00 am
Pelosi demonstrates courage, love of nation
Donald Trump has ousted Alexander Vindman, his brother and Gordon Sondland from their positions. What did these guys do? They obeyed the law and told the truth. At the same time, the person who broke the law and lied about it gets to keep his position as POTUS.
The General Accounting Office in a one-sentence statement said that Trump violated the law when he held up the money to Ukraine. He then claimed he did nothing wrong. However, he also obstructed justice when he refused to hand over documents and told his staff they were not to appear at any hearings. When did we start to punish those who abide by the laws and reward those who break the laws and lie about it?
Where is the outrage from the so-called Christians? Especially Trump's Christian supporters? When Jesus walked the face of the earth, he didn't say it was “inappropriate” to lie, cheat and steal. Jesus didn't say it was “inappropriate” to hate your neighbor. Jesus never told his followers that even if they did those things that it didn't rise to the level of being a sin.
Every Republican senator, with the exception of Mitt Romney, should be expelled and banned from ever holding office again. It was the Senate that turned this trial into a sham.
And then Nancy Pelosi comes under attack for tearing up Trump's copy of his State of the Union. They claim Pelosi didn't show respect for the office of the president. Why is Pelosi supposed to respect the office of president when Trump himself has never shown respect for the office?
America would be better off if the spineless Republicans in the Senate, including our spineless senators from Indiana, had had the decency and courage to stand up to Trump.
We should all give a big shout out to Pelosi for her courage and love for America.
Curtis J. Ransom


The Griffin said...

Cat Voors is mystified why evangelicals support Trump. For several decades the Dems/progressive left has fought our "freedom" of religion. Obama sued The Little Sisters of the Poor. Ended adoptions by Catholic Socialism. Appointed activist judges to encourage law suits against bakers and wedding venues. Firing teachers/coaches that lead prayers,etc. Trump makes it known he supports and acts on our freedoms/rights, including religion. As we end black history month I would ask her thoughts on where MLK would be on the Dems steady attack on religion. I doubt MLK would support the Dems attempting to end our religious freedoms. Mystery solved.

The Griffin said...

To Rev Random..Nancy Pelosi's love and courage of the drug addicted, mentally ill, homeless in San Francisco is brutal. Handing out needles, decriminalized drug laws, ignored mental illnesses, she encourages shit hole conditions in her home district. She has no courage here. And shows no regard or love for these people in her hometown. She is extremely negligent. She says she wants to fight for the middle class? No thank you. We do not want the total breakdown of the rest of society.