Friday, October 27, 2006

Democrats may end up looking like the Stanford marching band

Uh oh! Democrats who started their victory dance five yards from the end zone can now hear Karl Rove’s footsteps closing fast. Polls which had Democrats leaping for joy two weeks ago are now too close to call. Expectations of gaining up to 40 seats in the House have been revised downward to 17-20. Once safe senatorial Democrat candidates in Maryland and New Jersey are now ducking debates with their Republican challengers. Democrats Cardin and Menendez were last seen frantically banging on obnoxious Chucky Schumer’s door begging for more money to protect their heretofore “safe” Democrat seats. Even Conrad Burn, the Montana Republican left for dead on the side of the road months ago, had the nerve to keep campaigning is now within striking distance.

Democrats are now stumbling around field in disbelief like the Stanford marching band watching Karl Rove zigzag his way down the field for the last second score. Fat Ted Kennedy sobered up long enough to write the DNC a check for half a million dollars from his own campaign fund. Pompous John F. Kerry snitched a check out Terezzzzzzzze’s checkbook to do the same. “Yes, yes, we’re so confident of victory we’ll just pony up a million more dollars for the cause” goes the logic. Hmm, seems to me if you’re that confident of victory, you might just save that million for the next big fight.

The bad news is that it is still too close to call. Democrats could still win both houses by slim margins. The good news is that the Republicans are – as predicted - back in the hunt. Whoever wins is likely to do so by razor thin margins. So as trite as it may sound, EVERY VOTE COUNTS.

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