Wednesday, October 04, 2006

We are not like them

While Democrats locked in close election battles supported the Military Commissions Act of 2006, those in safe states and districts voted against it and claimed the act makes America like the enemy we are fighting.

Oh really? I’ve done a quick web search and can’t find where in the act it calls for American children to blow themselves up in a crowded restaurant or bus. I’ve also word searched the act and the word “beheading” got a big “not found.” Not even once. I looked through the bill and can’t find where it calls for President Bush to establish a world-wide caliphate and the killing of everyone who does not believe as he does. Stunningly, for an act that makes us like them, there is not single reference to jihad, 72 virgins or flying airplanes into tall buildings.

While the act makes us no more like them than installing fog lights on a Ford makes it a Chevy, the act does contrast us (conservatives) with them (liberals). Liberals believe that protecting the republic makes America like a terrorist. Liberals believe that a Republican president who was elected by a four million vote margin by their fellow citizens is un-American because he takes the threat posed by Islamo-terror-fascists seriously. Liberals believe that the military cannot be trusted and would gleefully violate the law. Liberals believe America is the biggest problem in the world. Liberals believe the MSM. Conservatives don’t believe any of that.

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