Monday, October 23, 2006

Prison locks and houshold locks are not the same

This week’s J-G Punctilio Award goes to this little gem from Scripts Howard:

Mikhail Gorbachev knows his walls. He presided over two of the most infamous, the 4,500-mile Iron Curtain that imprisoned half of Europe and the Berlin Wall that doubly imprisoned the people of East Berlin.

And he was president of the Soviet Union when both of them fell. So he knows whereof he speaks when he speaks of walls.

He was speaking in Midland, Texas, when he gently chided the United States for its plans to build a 700-mile barrier, in places remarkably similar to the Iron Curtain, along the border with Mexico, a nation, he noted, with whom the United States has shared long-standing "cooperation and interaction."

"I don't think the U.S. is so weak and so much lacks confidence as not to be able to find a different solution," said the 1990 Nobel Prize winner, according to an account in the Midland Reporter-Telegram.

The former Soviet leader recalled in 1987 when President Reagan visited Berlin and taunted the Kremlin with the demand, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

This is so mortifying.

No, what is so mortifying is that supposed educated people who work in America’s newsrooms and a communist statesman can confuse a wall designed to keep people in so that they cannot escape totalitarian, communist rule with a fence designed to keep terrorists and illegals out. It’s truly sad when 9 year old Lex jr. can distinguish between the locks on prison doors, designed to keep people in, and the locks on the doors of our house, designed to keep people out, but dopes in the MSM and communists can not or will not make that very basic distinction when writing or talking about our border fence.

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