Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John Kerry: educated buffoon

OK, pointing out that John Kerry is pompous, arrogant, chickensh@#, windbag living high off of a dead man’s money ain’t exactly akin to decoding the Rosetta Stone. But given this comment to college students, I thought I’d remind you. Kerry said:

“You know education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and do your homework and make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

So what fearless John, the man who chickened out of Vietnam after getting enough 8mm home movies and putting himself in for enough medals for wounding himself to start a political career is telling us is that the troops, whom he claims to support, are too stupid or lazy to get through college. That’s right, according Kerry instead of the best and brightest, selfless patriots, doing tough duty in a faraway land; our troops are nothing more than hapless dopes doing the work illegal immigrants - who liberals ironically praise as the “backbone of the country” - won’t. Very odd.

Kerry’s contempt for the men and women of our armed forces is well documented. He called them murderers and rapists during Viet Nam. He claimed that our troops were terrorizing women and children in Iraq and now this. I know from experience that the enlisted men of 20 years ago were as smart as anyone. In an era before calculators, they flew and tracked weather balloons with a theodolite and then manually calculated the affects that the shifting winds aloft would have on artillery rounds over a seven mile trajectory. They calculated the fall of thousands upon thousands of artillery rounds by interpolating data from stacks of tables with a slide rule in one hand and a cigarette in the other – and they could consistently do it in less than a minute or two – quickly, safely and accurately. In an era before GPS, they could accurately determine location and direction by the stars. They could fix anything with anything. They shared everything. In the process, they kept thousands of men safe and made their “educated” college boy lieutenants – like me – look good

If someone wants to do something worthwhile, they ought to do a documentary contrasting the day in the life of a 20 something year old Marine in Iraq with some worthless 20 year old know nothing, do nothing, be nothing college punk on MTV’s Room Raiders or My World loser. The same goes for “reality tv” like The Apprentice. That show consists of a bunch of “educated” weasels spending week after week trying to figure out how to sabotage each other’s efforts. The prize for being the best cheat is becoming the head peon for Donald Trump. Why would Trump even want one of these backstabbing morons in his organization? I’d take one Marine sergeant over the whole lot.

But I digress – Kerry is treasonous buffoon, an educated treasonous buffoon, but a treasonous buffoon none the less. And yes Mr. & Mrs. America this is yet another reason why it not safe to vote Democrat.

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