Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Buying votes

Democrats are buying votes, and they are using your money to do it. “FREE” universal health care is the latest Democrat Ponzi scheme which takes from those productive and responsible enough to look after themselves and their families and redistributes to those who are not. Hillary and the gang are buying votes just as sure as if they stood at the polling place door robbing you and then turning around and handing your money to some mope.

This is an odd turn of affairs, if voters are not allowed to buy politicians with campaign cash, Democrats should not be allowed to buy voters with government – ie your - tax cash. Some crooked anti-first amendment fanatic like John Keating five McCain will have to explain to me why I can’t give my own money to a politician who supports my opinions but a Democrat can give my tax money to somebody to buy a vote. It seems to me that the former is way more honorable than the latter.

As John Stossel says, if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it’s free. What is it in our experience base that tells us that the government is going to do a good job with health care? Social Security? It’s going broke. MediCare, MedicAide? Those dopey programs actually increase the cost of health care. The post office? AmTrack? The education department? The TSA? The federal highway fund? All are bureaucratic, expensive, abject failures. So what is it that leads us to believe that the government is somehow going to get universal health care right when it universally gets everything else wrong?

Then as if the FREE health care were not bad enough, the unnoticed pretty boy John Edwards is advocating a FREE college education.

Now to be sure Rep buy votes too. But they do it by giving us some of OUR OWN money back.

Tazer bro: Anyone who refers to police officers as “bro” or “dude” deserves to be tazed. But the way, Andrew bro, the way you cried like a little girl when you got what you so desperately deserved was priceless and the best part of the video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Hillarcare cannot be described how can the price tag of $110B be given? Also, doesn't she have an obligation as a powerful US Senator to present legislation that benefits the all citizens? Why does she need to wait to be president? I do not know of any significant legislation she has proposed or had passed as a senator. This is just a big power trip for her and her supporters. The Griffin.