Thursday, September 20, 2007

Comprehensive Grahamnesty is not dead

Lex is on record noting that the vast majority of politicians past their second term in office are likely to be weasels. Further proof of this phenomenon is the Comprehensive Grahamnesty bill that was smacked down by a revolt of about 80% of Americans.

You’d think, given the uproar, the pols would seal the border, fine employers who hire illegals, suspend public services to illegals and boot out as many illegals as possible. You’d be wrong. See pols, particularly lib pols, think they know what’s best for everyone. So if they think Comprehensive Grahamnesty is a good idea, it’s unlikely that they will let a small thing like 80% opposition to that harebrained idea stand in the way of “what’s best for us.”

Now that the 600 page elephant like Grahamnesty bill has been smacked down, pols are going to try to pass the same bill in bite sized pieces below the radar. Sen. RC Durbin is trying to win support to pass a proposal to give legal status to illegal aliens who go to college or join the military. After Sen. Jeff Sessions exposed his dopey plan to mandate in-state tuition rates for illegals, RC dropped that proposal from his plan. But don’t think for second it’s dead. Weasel pols are nothing if not persistently weasel like.

Here’s an idea. Get in line. Enter the country legally. Join the military. Receive extra points toward citizenship for your service. The same goes for college. Why in the world do RC and other pols want to reward people whose first act in America is to commit a crime?

We need to be as persistent as the weasels or we’ll wake up one morning with an open border offering citizenship and free health care to anyone in the world who wanders in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How would you approach a recruitering center, admit you are ILLEGALLY in this country, and then begin filling out induction paperwork? What about background checks? What happens if the candidate changes his mind? Is he reported? Could the AQ boys bring in a ringer from somewhere and get them into our military? I thought one of the permanent liberal caterwalls was that our military unfairly plays to the poor, economically oppressed, and under-educated classes while the rich and sons of the rich can avoid military service even during a draft. If I understand the lib approach it is to induct non-citizens, forego a serious background, make sure they are not economically depressed, and even if they are suspected to be Al Quidea, we do not report them. I feel safer already. The Griffin.