Friday, July 31, 2009

Finally! Getting along!

During 1993 LA riots that followed the acquittal of four white police officers for beating Rodney King for no other reason than he was black – no wait King was high on drugs and resisted arrest during what passes for a routine traffic stop in LA, 53 people died. There were more than 2,383 injuries, more than 7,000 fires, damages to 3,100 businesses, and nearly $1 billion in financial losses. King’s response to the mayhem was, “can we all get along?”

Now 16 years later, we can answer in the affirmative. Yes, Rodney, we can get along. All it takes is a racist lying Harvard professor, a racist lying Dear Dope, a clueless bumbling idiot of a Vice President and cop doing his job to prove the point.

You have the racist lying professor create a disturbance. When the police arrive, the racist lying professor insults the cops and creates a larger disturbance. When police finally arrest the racist lying professor, the lying racist professor screams “racism” like a fire marshal would scream “fire” when trying to clear out 300 room Marriot at 2 am.

Then you add in a lying racist Dear Dope who stupidly sides with his lying racist professor acolyte, calls the cops stupid all while admitting that he – the Dear Dope – didn’t have a clue as to what happened. That scenario can be translated like this – “No I have any idea of what really happened. But I do know the lying racist professor was black and the cop acting in the line of duty was white. So as a lying racist dip$h!t myself, I can only conclude that the cop acted stupidly and the lying racist professor should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for fighting the power.

Then the real story emerges and it turns out it’s the lying racist professor and Dear Dope who have been acting stupidly. As a result, the Dear Dope’s approval takes a dip. Quickly a beer summit between the lying racist professor and the cop is organized by the Dear Dope to clear the air. Then you throw in the slowest wit in Washington D.C. Slow Joe Biden and you can finally say, “we can all get along.”

So Joe comes up the table wearing his dopey grin, “Hey what are you guys talking about”
D2 says, “We’re having a discussion about race.” Slow Joe pipes up, “Yeah, damn shame Jr. blew his engine last week at the Brickyard.”

But how does the lying racist professor and the cop sitting down for a beer at the White House square what happened? It doesn’t. The lying racist professor and Dear Dope are still liars and racists. Until the lying racist professor and Dear Dope offer the cop an apology - one for creating the mess and the other acting stupidly by taking sides sans any clue as to what happened – aren’t we still at square one?

Then there’s whole thing with the lying racist professor trashing the cops’ mother. Should the lying racist professor, at a minimum, be expected to say you know, “Hey I know you’re bigoted racist pig, but I shouldn’t have spoken badly of your mother.”

But how do these two/three come off as equal? Say your neighbor happens to be blue and he dumps his garbage onto your lawn. You as a sort of - not blue - but aqua guy go over the neighbor and tell him to clean his mess up. A loud argument ensues and Mayor who happens to be blue shows and says, "hey I don’t know what happened here but it’s clear that the Aqua guy is acting stupidly. Now, let’s all go over the Mayor’s office and have a beer." I’d be inclined to say, “Hold on Mr. Mayor. Who’s going to clean up my front yard?” It's all good for the lying racist professor and Dear Dope to sit down and have a beer and pretend like the whole thing never happened but it’s the cop’s lawn who got messed up and apparently is now his responsibility to clean up.

Bill Maher is taking heat for calling America a dumb country. I think he’s right but for different reasons. We just elected a smarmy Eddie Haskell type as Dear Dope who chose an idiot as VP and we have probably dumbest woman in North America second in line of succession. Now we’re falling for some smoke screen orchestrated by the White House to cover up their racist incompetence. Yeah, I’d have to say, as a nation, we’ve been pretty dumb lately.

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