Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who hires racists? We do!

I was going to do a bit on what kind of firm would hire a racist @$$hole like Henry Luis “Skip” Gates. Then I remembered we hired a racist @$$hole to run the country. Now the two named @-holes are getting together with a white cop to slug beers and patch up @-1’s dust up and @-2’s mischaracterization of the dust up and the cop. Wanna bet @s 1 & 2 get the cop to say “everything has been worked out and we have reached a better understanding of each other’s plight”?

But really who would pay @-1 a dime to work for them? Harvard that’s who and they pay way more than a dime – mom and dad’s hard earned tuition money being flushed down the academic toilet to support a racist @$$hole.

Read this – Iowahawk – as always – has nailed this down to perfection.

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