Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nominating a racist finally shows some diversity on the Supreme Court

I heard one brilliant senator yesterday (Feingold, I think) say something along the line, we shouldn’t take one line from a speech out of context to judge Sotomayor. OK fine. Put this quote from the judge into some kind of acceptable context.

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Ahhh, well, you see Judge Sotomayor was talking about making tacos and enchiladas when she said that. She certainly wasn’t talking about applying the law equally. If you even suggested such an explanation for Sotomayor’s racist and bigoted comments, you yourself would be labeled a racist and bigot. Why the very idea of a Latina woman cooking tacos and enchiladas is insensitive stereotyping.

OK so the whole “wise Latina woman” is taken out context – but nobody will take the time to put it into its proper context during the next two days of hearings. Fine, it’s not as if we aren’t used to political double talk all of the time. But take the “wise Latina woman” and combine with her finding in the Ricci case where she ruled against white firemen and you have all the context that you need.

Oh, and try this context. Put her words into the mouth of any white conservative and see what happens.

She is a racist. She talks like a racist and acts like one. So she is a racist. Now the Supreme Court overruled her on the Ricci case. But when this piece of work is confirmed, she will sit on the very court that has here-to-fore reined her in by overturning her idiotic rulings.

But she will be confirmed. Idiot Republi-Rats like Lindsey Ghramnisty are sure to vote for her so that in this topsy-turvy world they themselves are not labeled racists. Way to go Lindsey. Sell out to save yourself a couple of tough questions from Telemundo.

But hey, we're finally getting some diversity on the high court. If confirmed, Sotomayor will be the only proven racist currently sitting on the court. Maybe we can finally get back to separate but equal.

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