Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Do we still have a constitution?

Perhaps the greatest thing to come of the American Revolution was our U.S. Constitution. The last thing the original Americans wanted was to replace one onerous government with another. So America tried to govern itself under the Articles of Confederation for about 5 years after the war.

It wasn’t until 1787 that the great minds of a fledgling democracy produced the document that outlines how our government is SUPPOSED to function today. Since then, the constitution has been amended only 27 times and remains a touchstone for most Americans. That’s a pretty remarkable document to have survived 233 years with only 27 substantive changes.

And while America remains a relatively young country, we are the world’s oldest democracy. I am of the opinion that we owe any success that we’ve achieved to the brilliance of the founders who set this whole thing up. Sacrilege, I know; giving dead white guys, many themselves slave owners, credit for America. The freedoms established in the U.S. constitution have led us to this point in history.

And what point is that? That point is where are beginning to erode the very freedoms that have led to our success. The chief enabler in these erosions is the Demo-Dope party.

Today we have government heavily invested in the insurance, banking and auto industries. How can private business compete with government subsidized enterprises that do not have to turn a profit? I guarantee you when Ford kicks Chevy and Chrysler’s @$$, Barney Frank et al. will begin to regulate Ford out of business.

But wait there’s more. Not satisfied with running just the insurance, banking and auto industries, the government now wants to get its grubby fingers into the energy and healthcare industries. Under the watchful eye of the federal government, I’m sure those entities will be run with all of the efficiency of AmTrac and the post office and with all of the compassion demonstrated at your local DMV.

But wait there’s still more. After the Civil War, America’s self correcting democracy abolished slavery (13th Amendment) and guaranteed equal protection under the law to all US citizens (14th Amendment). Since then we have passed Civil Rights bills. Merits of the Civil Rights bill can be argued, but one thing is clear, if the Justice Department of the federal government had forcefully enforced the 14th Amendment, it would not have been necessary.

Now we are getting a spate of “hate crimes” bills that seek to offer special protection to certain groups. Never mind that these laws depend on judges and jurors to look into the mind criminals and determine if they have a “hateful heart” or are just run of the mill criminal dopes, these laws also provide extra equal protection to certain classes or Americans.

If some criminal dope shoots me on the street and takes my wallet, a liberal judge will likely sentence the thug to 90 days of work release, job training, drug rehab, night school and a government paid halfway house. Now if the same thug shoots a gay man and takes his wallet the liberal judge will sentence him to 90 years of hard labor with no chance of parole. Ironic that this set up kind of makes you hope that criminals DO target gays.

But nothing is more frustrating than when someone’s vote is MORE equal than your own. Demo-Dopes are up in arms because Iranian nut job Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accumulated more votes than were voters in some districts. But the same damn Demo-Dopes welcome American nut job Al Franken with open arms even though he too carried precincts where more votes than voters were cast.

And still there’s more. Article one of the constitution calls for an “enumeration every ten years” to determine the number representatives each state is entitled to. Very simple and straight forward – right? Wrong. The current census bureau questionnaire is 28 pages long. Seems to me if they are “enumerating” the questionnaire would be one questions long. How many people live in your home? And to top it all off the people responsible for bringing Al Franken to the senate through fraudulant votes – ACORN – will be doing surveying. What could go wrong?

The bottom line is that what the founders feared - intrusive onerous meddling from an inept bumbling federal government – is exactly what we have. They have driven us trillions of dollars into debt, fouled up everything they have ever touched and yet they want more power for themselves and less freedom for the people.

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