Thursday, March 26, 2015

Don't be gobsmacked, global warm-mongering is a hoax & Bergdahl

The best case against the Warm-mongers
The old lawyer adage goes; when the truth supports you, argue the facts.  When truth does not support you, argue the law.  The warm-monger adage goes, it’s not about the science because the facts never support us.  It’s about winning the argument (i.e. money), so we’ll lie, make $h!t up and mock real scientists by calling them “doubters,” “deniers” and “flat earthers.”  Science shminence, the debate is over.  Give us our money.

Here’s the definitive link that exposes the warm-monger’s tactics, explains what an eristic argument is and uses the word gobsmacked.  Yes, it has everything.
Bergdahl I’m not a big fan of the death penalty.  That said, right now I think I could shoot Bowe Bergdahl’s worthless azz myself.  It might be because of the Rose Garden announcement were the excrement smear himself, The Empty Suit, and the Sunday shows where Val Jarret lied their worthless azzes off about Bergdahl’s service.   It might be because of the deaths of 6 good men looking for the deserter.  It might be because of the Pashtu speaking ponytail sporting creepy old man.

There is no doubt that this episode will make The Empty Suit look like a more incompetent buffoon than we could have ever imagined.  Proof positive is the response from Ditz Sister #1, Jen Psaki, who still insists trading 5 high value Taliban $h!theads for a worthless oxygen thief was a “good deal.”  I wish someone in the know would put the lie to this BS “we bring our own home.”  We don’t.  If we did, you’d never see one of those black POW flags.  We wouldn’t have a single MIA.  It’s BS.  The best that can be said in that regard is that we try to bring everyone home consistent with the mission, available assets and risk benefit assessment.

The fact is that finding Bergdahl became the mission.  His willful leaving of his post is the direct cause of any loss of life or injury that occurred searching his worthless azz.  He could face the death penalty.  That would be ironic that TES traded 5 high level Talis to get the release of a POS so we could hang him ourselves.  Way to go TES.  You’re doing a heck of a job.
No.  On second thought, I probably wouldn’t shoot him.  I’ve toured Leavenworth prison.  Some of the inmates are real patriots.  He may not fare well there.  I’d be all for dropping in on a Tali camp killing everyone and snatching the scumbag.  That’s different.  Killing $h!theads in the process would be fine, and if POS Bergdahl got caught in the crossfire, well…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
I read the article on global warm-mongering. Here in Ohio the ice sheets have not yet arrived and snowmobile values still suck. As there is no real board to certify a climatologist I think I will consider myself one. Call it a self-declaration. My climate for most of today will be dry and the temperature will be 72 deg, plus/minus 1 deg. As a climatologist I can change the settings as needed on the HVAC system. As far as Bergdahl, my sentence would be life until one of the released five Gitmo nutballs kill an American. At that time I would put Bergdahl's head on the Gitmo soccer field for GITMO IFT SOCCER CLUB to use as a ball.