Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Leadership is tough, The Empty Suit passes

The leader of the free world will be addressing congress today at 11 am eastern.  Bibi Netanyahu is coming to Caligula D.C. to lay bare the facts about Iran’s nuclear program.  Meanwhile The Empty Suit will have his pants (men wear trousers) down around his ankles while sitting on his throne thumbing through a golf magazine in the West Wing washroom.  (QUESTION:  When a POS takes a $h!t, what comes out?) 

You’d think when the leader of our closest ally in a volatile region comes to Caligula D.C. TES would carve out a minute or two to meet with the man.  You’d be wrong.  Not only will TES be “unavailable” to meet with BiBi, TES has dispatched Slow Joe Biden to Honduras to grope foreign women and make his daily gaffs in Spanish.  Sec State and sole surviving Cambodian War hero Johnny Francois Kerry will be collaborating, uh, capitulating, no, wait, negotiating, yeah that’s the ticket, negotiating with Iran in Switzerland.

Netanyahu is coming here to warn us of the dangers of a nuclear Iran.  You’d think they’d want to listen.  You’d be wrong again.  In addition to TES, his slowness and Francois, about 55 a-list Dopes will boycott Bibi’s speech.  They are like the spoiled brat who puts his fingers in his ears and shouts “NANA NANA NAHOO, I CAN’T HEAR YOU” when someone tries to warn him to drop the M8-80 firecracker in his hand a second before it blows 4 of his fingers and half his head off.

For their part, The Empty Suit’s administration is worried about the details of their capitulation to Iran getting out before the deal can be sealed.  That’s a disaster for TES and his clueless band of creepy Dopes because like everything with these azzbags – Robertscare & Net Neutrality - they want the deal done before those pesky American citizens can find out what’s in it. To quote America’s Dumbazz Colossus, “We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.”
The dust up was caused by OJ Boehner’s invitation to Bibi without TES’s blessing.   Now, if there were a grown up man in the White House, he’d say, “OK.  Fine.  I’ll meet with him before he heads your way.”  Problem solved.  All we need is a man in the White House.

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