Thursday, March 05, 2015

The e-mail scandal will end up being no scandal at all unless...

The loyal opposition – such as it is – is licking its chops at Godzilla in a pantsuit – the Shrilldabeast – not using a government e-mail account during the period the old hag was creating the world’s largest carbon footprint as Sec State but not accomplishing a damned thing.   They actually think that this scandal will be the end of the Shrilldabeast.

Ha!  Seriously?  If I could afford an unlimited supply of electrons on AlGore’s interweb machine, I could run down the plethora of Clinton scandals from the beast’s enabling Billyboy’s one man war on women to the firing of the White House travel office to Whitewater billing records to cattle futures to Benghazi to this latest bump in the Shrilldabeast’s creepy obsession with becoming president.  None of the litany of scandal the Clintons have been up to their necks in even so much as slightly embarrassed this dynamic duo of narcissistic crap wagons let alone destroyed them.

So lemme ask, if the Shrilldabeast can use her ample azz to cover up the bodies of four dead in Benghazi while blaming a blameless videographer and wonder “what difference does it make,” is anyone really going to give a crap about an off-line e-mail account?  A rather large percentage of American voters don’t give a crap about a dead border patrol agent, dead patients at the VA, dead ambassadors or the government using the IRS to go after political enemies.  It was rich to hear The Empty Suit lecture Vlad Putin on knocking off his political opponents.  That’s the one thing TES has not done…yet.
This e-mail thing is going to make no difference unless American Indian princess with the high cheek bones (I assume that means the cheek bones on her drawn face) Lizzy Warren decides to push it.  Of course she would push the story for only one reason – to steal the cheese the beast was going for when Lizzy sprung the trap.
I do not think America should trust anyone with the keys to the Oval Office who has been salivating to get them for as long as the Shrilldabeast has.  That seems dangerous to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
So ole Shrill got a parking ticket while robbing a bank? The cop that wrote it was no doubt anti-woman. Federal email violations? Hidden emails on Benghazi? She already said what difference does it make! Everyone knows the laws do not apply to her, Billbo, or TES. Heavyweight Champ George Foreman said when he was 17 years old he beat up and robbed a guy and went to jail. Said he did not understand the big deal. He had done it his whole life. It seemed natural. Joe Biden for Pres!