Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Party of traitors shouts treason

When Harry the roach Reid took a break from getting manhandled by male prostitutes to announce that the Iraq War was lost, none in the MSM called him a traitor.  When Cambodian War hero and winner of 57 Purple Hearts - John Francois Kerry - lied his way through congressional testimony and then chucked another man’s military awards over the White House fence to protest the Vietnam War, Dopes and MSM lemmings thought he should be Commander in Chief.  When the Shrilldabeast rushed to the well of the senate to hold up a newspaper with the headline “BUSH KNEW” after 9-11, no one ever said she was wasn’t fit to draw another breath let alone run for president.  Then there are the stories of Dopes like Baghdad Jim McDermott, Dopes backing communist Sandinista’s in Nicaragua, comforting Assad in Syria calling him a “reformer,” The Empty Suit telling Medvedev he could sell America out after his last election, Dopes licking Putin’s butt with a mistranslated “reset button” while he invaded Ukraine, trading 5 Jihadist for deserter – none were called traitors.

I’ve often asked, “OK if you do not think the Dopes are treasonous bastards, what would they be doing if they were?”  Uh pretty much what they are doing right now.   Today the party of traitors is upset because 47 Republicans have signed a letter to Iranian mullahs explaining that any deal they might sign with TES can be $h!tcanned with the stroke of pen in 2016.  His slowness himself Joe jobs is a three letter word Biden – the national joke - said the letter “is beneath the dignity of an institution I revere.”  Ha reverence for the senate, a body filled with 89% egomaniacal ruling class azzwipes.  Expect Iran to funnel millions through the Clinton Foundation to get Godzilla in a pantsuit – The Shrilldabeast – elected to keep the insane deal valid.

Last word on this deal.  Any deal with a terrorist supporting bunch of azzbags in Tehran that does not include, at minimum, daily inspections is worthless.  And even with inspections, these are the same clueless weasel Dopes who didn’t know the Shrilldabeast had an e-mail server in her basement.  What are the chances that the Iranians aren’t going to be able to pull the wool over their eyes until a mushroom cloud appears over Tel Aviv?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
It seems to me to be straight forward. TES, Bibi, Kerry, the US Senate, and the US House are all saying that Iran will not be allowed nukes. They bicker about a plan, who's plan, etc, but bottom line is no nukes for Iran. Whenever some person says would you go to war my answer is....Iran will not get nukes. Unless you do not believe what the above people are saying. Then we have a problem. Then the question becomes who cannot be trusted? Start with Iran and work your way down. The least trusted person next in this list has to be TES. The US Senate sent their letter because they do not trust TES. And the case could be made easily as to why they feel this way. And if Joe Biden is against something then vote for whatever it is. Joe Biden has never gotten anything correct.