Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ted Cruz and protected classes

I think Ted Cruz would be a fine president.  He’d be at least a 2,000% improvement over the current sail-eared nitwit who occupies 1600 PA Ave.  I think the likely success of the next president will be in direct correlation to the amount of opposition mounted by the lapdog MSM and the Caligula D.C. ruling-class swells.  Cruz has caused an absolute panic among the MSM and the ruling class.  So, he must be a good guy.  The lapdogs warn Ted Cruz nearly destroyed the Republican Party with “his government shutdown.”  First, good.  The Republi-RAT Party probably ought to be destroyed.  But next the Republicans won a great landslide in the last midterm election.  Maybe that is proof positive that the government ought to shut down to be shut down.  But after winning the landslide, the fact that the RATS refuse to act like it is not Ted Cruz’s fault. 

Unlike most rock ribbed conservatives, I like Jeb Bush.  I voted for him three times when I was registered in FL.  If he’s the Republican nominee, I’ll vote for him again.  Jeb is the guy the polls the lapdog and the Dopes keep telling the Rats they need to nominate if they want to beat the Shrilldabeast.  That raises alarms for me.  Jeb, like McCain and Romney before him, is the steady moderate with all the cash.  That’s good enough reason for me to go with Cruz or Rubio or Walker or Paul.  The MSM are making a big deal about McCain referring to Cruz as a “whackobird.”  OK McCain’s guy is Lindsey Ghramnesty.  So, who is the “whackobird”?

Creating the protected classes
“Hands up don’t shoot” is a total BS lie.  The DoJ’s own report on Ferguson as much as admitted as much.  But the DoJ went on to condemn the Ferguson PD for issuing more citations to people of color.  That of course is advocating a quota system.  If the community is 66% black but only black high school dropout thugs think it’s OK to jaywalk or walk in the middle of the street the cops will be unable to issue a single citation for the punks engaging in that activity.  Using DoJ logic a cop would first have to find a white jaywalker before issuing a single citation to a black thug even if the cop sees 10 black jaywalkers endangering themselves and the community.
When complaining about the statistics for black men incarcerated in America or the rate of citations issued to blacks in Ferguson, the wizards at DoJ never ask the obvious question, did they do the crime?  By focusing solely on percentages, the DoJ is telling the cops to ignore crime committed by the protected class of minority criminals and actually target others.  Only by targeting others are the cops going to be free to issue citations to the people creating the majority of the problems.
Now Charlottesville, VA Police announced Monday they have found no evidence that a gang rape occurred at the University of Virginia in September, 2012.  That was where the famous non-rape rape reported in Rolling Stone magazine.  The fact that the victim’s story had more holes in it than the plot of the Sharknado series of movies made no difference what-so-ever to UVA President Teresa Sullivan who suspended Greek community activities at UVA when the fake story first broke.  The dumbazz responsible for “educating young minds” doubled down after the Charlottesville PD’s announcement saying in part, We cannot fulfill our mission as an institution of higher learning without providing for the welfare of our students and our community. There is important work ahead as the University continues to implement substantive reforms to improve its culture, prevent violence and respond to incidents of violence when they occur.”

You cannot be serious.  UVA has important work ahead to implement reforms to prevent a rape that never occurred.  Seems to me since the rape never occurred the current policy is working.  I’ll bet none of the “reforms” will have anything to do with prosecuting fake victims, reporters and collaborators who spread the fake victim’s line of BS.  What dumbazz Sullivan is going to do is use the fake rape to create a new protected class.  Like Ferguson, the protected class at UVA will likely be the majority – but NOT white males - as females now make up nearly 57% of the student body at American universities.

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