Wednesday, March 18, 2015

RATs insist on slowing the suicide car from 120 MPH to 60 MPH before it goes off cliff

Got this love note to his elected officials from the AFBro.  I added the one line in italics about tens of thousands illegal aliens walking across the border and sent it via the sail mail to my RAT senator and representative.  Copy, adjust as necessary and give the RAT crap weasels hell.

March 18, 2015   

Senator _______________

324 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 

Dear Senator__________:

The latest poll has congress' approval rating at a whopping 5%. Frankly, I'm surprised that it is that high.

Last November, we gave Republicans control of both chambers, but you still allow Nancy and Harry to control the narrative as well as the legislation.

The Republican "leadership" savages conservative voices in the party, while playing go-along-get-along with the uber left.

You and your glitterati colleagues inside the Beltway have abdicated your role as a voice of We the People. You pass thousands of pages of unread, unintelligible legislation written by and for "K" Street special interests. In effect, you have reduced congress' role to that of rubber stamping "K" Street initiatives. Worse, your unread, unintelligible legislation then goes to unelected, politically appointed hacks that write tens of thousands of pages of rules to implement the laws, details wherein the devil resides. Our Founding Fathers are rolling over in disgust, and I feel their pain acutely.

You allow our Imperial President to rewrite laws to his liking, wave a wand to allow tens of thousands uneducated, unskilled criminals walk across our border and, rather than doing your duty to uphold the Constitution, you pass the buck to the Judiciary. I remind you that it was the Judiciary (Chief Justice Roberts to be specific) that rewrote O-care from the bench and foisted that “Obamanation” on us.

You allow our tax dollars to go to numerous unelected, politically appointed (without any Advice and Consent) "Czars," all of whom are rabid radicals that implement agenda-driven rules that have the effect of law on us.

You allow the various departments and commissions to run amok and implement agenda-driven rules that have the effect of law on us. Egregious rulings by the EPA, three politically appointed FCC hacks just took control of the Internet, the IRS targeting citizens and groups for their political speech, BLM Nazis armed to the teeth intimidating a lone rancher, the race-driven DOJ inserting itself into local law enforcement issues while refusing to investigate NBP voter intimidation/Fast& Furious/IRS intimidation/Al Sharpton's $4M tax fraud/etc./etc., all of these tyrannies go on without any effective congressional response.

$18+T in debt and increasing exponentially without any effort to rein it in.

The nominee for the country's top law enforcement officer, Loretta Lynch, said she would not enforce laws that she and her boss, our Imperial President, don't like. Yet the Republican "leadership" and the Republican controlled Judiciary Committee gave her a thumbs-up. You yourself told me that you would consider “all the information” prior to deciding on her nomination. What, pray tell, else do you need to know about her other than the fact that she, as AG, will only enforce those laws that she agrees with?

I could go on, but I think you get the picture of my frustration with and lack of confidence in you, your colleagues, the Republican "leadership," and the institutions which you all have played a part in perverting.


As I said earlier, 5% is a ranking well above your level of performance.


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