Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Case against Kavanaugh flimsy as hell and the Dopes know it

First:  Watch for crazy creepy Dr. babe* to back out today.  The college babe has already refused to make her accusations under oath.

*NOTE:  It has been brought to my attention that the crazy creepy Dr. babe is not a "babe".  Unlike her bogus sex allegations, this charge can be substantiated.  Look at recent pics. 

So okay, it's now crazy creepy Dr. gal.   

Today's JG rant
The first letter to the editor on the Kavanaugh brouhaha showed up in the local fish wrap this morning. It, like the charges against Kavanaugh, is total BS.  So Lex tilted at the windmill…again.  

Re: Candice Schuler’s letter, “Judge must be cleared ahead of confirmation” of Sep 26, 2018

Candice Schuler claims to have closely followed the process surrounding the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, then proceeds to prove that she did not. 

Does anyone seriously believe that if the Democrats thought that they had a particle of “credible evidence of perjury on the part of Kavanaugh”, that they would resort to digging up 35 plus year old unsubstantiated sex assault accusations in order to torpedo Kavanaugh’s nomination? 

Does anyone seriously believe that if Democrats thought there was an ounce of credibility to the decades’ old accusations that not one person can corroborate, that the ancient senator from California, Diane Feinstein, would have sat on those allegations for 6 weeks?

Does anyone seriously believe that every single person named by accusers to have been at or participated in the events that they allege would deny any knowledge of those happenings knowing that lying about it would put them at risk of being prosecuted for a felony?

Does anyone seriously believe that the FBI is so inept that, after six separate background investigations, they would have missed these accusations and the most absurd allegation of all leveled by wacko attorney Michael Avenatti that Kavanaugh ran a drug and sex ring while in high school?

If you’re flipped out enough to believe even one these, you’re probably ready to organize a mob to heckle a Republican legislator and his wife during dinner at a restaurant.

If you you’re flipped out enough to believe two or more of these, you probably aren’t qualified to dress yourself, drive a car or be around sharp objects. 

Just admit it.  You don’t believe any of them.  You know that the Democrat treatment of Kavanaugh is a simple smear.  You know it’s pure gutter politics and nothing more.

Exit question: If the left is this wacked out and unhinged over Kavanaugh, what will they resort to if Ginsberg, Breyer, Kagan or Sotomayor decide to leave the bench after PDJT’s re-election in 2020?

Extra: Here's a good primmer on identifying bogus sex assault charges. Hmm, crazy creepy Dr. gal about ran the table. 

Judge must be cleared ahead of confirmation
As an engaged American citizen, I have been closely following the process surrounding the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. The grandstanding on both sides has disheartened me. The complete disregard of the credible evidence of perjury on the part of Kavanaugh both during his earlier hearings for the D.C. Circuit Court and during these current hearings has appalled me. But the arbitrary disregard of the allegations of sexual assault brought against him has left me utterly outraged.
The Republicans' nothing-to-see-here rush to confirm him without a thorough, non-partisan investigation into the alleged assault makes it appear as if they know he has something to hide and that they simply don't care.
The American people deserve and expect a justice they can respect and trust without a noxious cloud of doubt about his veracity and moral fiber hanging over his head. If he's confirmed without being cleared, his every utterance and decision as a justice will be forever suspect.
Candace Schuler
Fort Wayne

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