Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kavanaugh cannot afford to hold the line

In that it happens about as frequently as the return of Haley’s (pronounced Haylees) Comet, I’m happy to admit when I’m wrong about something.  It appears the crazy creepy Dr. gal will show up and testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  It also appears that, at least on the Republican side and at least with crazy creepy Dr. gal, Republican senators will forego preening for the cameras and turn their questioning time over to a professional female prosecutor.

What will be proven in this charade?  Nothing. The Dopes have set the whole thing up exactly for that purpose with 35 year old allegations. 

If I were on the Republican side I’d pound the fact that no one named by the plaintiff can corroborate her story.  I’d go hard after that.  I’d go hard after asking why she thought it necessary take a polygraph.

There’s no point going after the crazy creepy Dr. gal personally.  She’s crazy.  Crazy people can be sympathetic figures.  Take Elwood P. Dowd – he was the best friend of a 6 foot rabbit in the movie Harvey. Everyone loved him.

Republicans just have focus like a laser on the inconsistencies in the Dr. gal’s story.  Over and over again.  Dopes will hang their hats on the polygraph which Republicans can refute by bringing up the denials of the witnesses Dr. gal claims to have been at the party.

Dopes will pursue the exact opposite strategy.  They will focus almost exclusively on Kavanaugh personally.  They cannot argue the facts so they will question Kavanaugh about his drinking and his sex life.  They will attack him with fantastical and salacious smears.

The crazy creepy Dr. Gal will have the advantage of having nearly half of the questions posed to her being softball BS from the Dope side.  Kavanaugh – if the Republican hired prosecutor questions him – will face challenging questions from both side.  My hope is that Republican senators will reclaim their time – or at least some of it – during Kavanaugh’s questioning.

What’s to be gained?  Nothing.  The only people entering the hearing with open minds, i.e. are persuadable, are the Republicans.  The Dope side announced BEFORE Kavanaugh was even nominated that they would not support the nomination.  Remember the blank protest posters held by Dope activists in front of the Supreme Court waiting to fill in the name of who they were protesting until after PDJT made the nomination?

Every Dope on the committee has already made it known that they will not support Kavanaugh under any circumstances. So what is the point of all this BS?  Simple – smear Kavanaugh.

At his wide ranging presser yesterday, PDJT insisted at several points that he could be persuaded by Dr. gal’s testimony.  He should have pointed out, “You know who cannot be persuaded? Demo-Dopes.” 

I get the sense that the best Kavanaugh can hope for is a draw.  He cannot prove a negative.  He cannot persuade a single Dope on the committee.  The only thing he can hope for is to hold line. 

My advice to Kavanaugh is same as Patton’s, “I don’t want to hear ‘we’re holding our position.’ We’re not holding anything.  Let the Hun do that.  We’re advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy.”

Kavanaugh needs to come out swinging and not take even a little crap from the crapweasel Dope azzbags who populate the committee on the Dope side who are all in varying degrees liars, thieves, commies, fake war heroes, wife beaters, teen gropers, sexists, racists and 100% azzbags.

To anyone with half a brain the smear of Kavanaugh is as obvious as Chris Coons’ bald head or Kirsten Gillibrand’s empty head. Remember how the hearings started?  Protests and Dope chicanery to delay or cancel the hearing, demands for 5 million pages of Kavanaugh’s writings, wild Captian Queeg like accusations by Leakey Leahy of Kavanaugh being complicit with “someone” stealing his papers, Farticus’s grandstanding, Kamal Harris doctoring a video so as to distort Kavanaugh’s positon on contraceptives, Dopes openly vowing to do everything and anything in their power to scuttle Kavanaugh’s nomination, Dopes turning 800 years of common law on its head by placing the burden on Kavanaugh to prove his innocence of unspecified charges that do not state a time, a place or a year and that cannot be corroborated by anyone the plaintiff claims to have been present. 

There’s the absurd talking point from the Dopes that “the accusers have nothing to gain by coming forward.”  BS.  Total BS.  They are torpedoing PDJT’s nomination to the Supreme Court – a pick that will tilt the court for decades. 

“Okay, but no one is going to ruin their lives for that purpose.”  BS.  Total BS.  Their lives will not be ruined.  They will be Dope heroes.  They will write books and go on lucrative speaking tours.  They will make the media rounds to field softball questions about their experience and be hailed as courageous.

Also remember the Dopes are the same exact people beating PDJT supporters with bike locks and forming mobs to chase them from restaurants.  This smear is totally in keeping with azzbag Dope tactics.

It is total BS and do not believe one speck of it.  The more accusers who come out of the woodwork at this late date the less I believe any of it. 

I’ve noted this before:  If dueling were still legal there would be a lot less thins type of BS.  Chris Coons, Adam Schiff, Leahy, Schumer, 3/4res of the MSM et al would dead for spreading BS and the world would be a better place.          

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Perjury trap attempts will be made for the judge. "Two weeks ago, under oath, you said you were never in Saskatoon. Ah! Here is your picture in Yellowknife which is a suburb of ....". Etc. Destroy his credibility which means he cannot be trusted and he really ran a human trafficking ring when he was 12 years old. Expect crazy attempts to connect non-existent dots. Reference Salem witch trials. Blooming idiot Blumenthal said if does not admit some of these accusations Kavanaugh will be lying and is guilty of perjury. Yes, if Judge K denies this crap he it means he is guilty. If he admits some of it then he is guilty. So then would it mean if he says he is guilty of all of it then it means he is innocent? This rationale from Blumenthal is spooky scary BS. Blumenthal being a white guy should shut up and do the right thing per Hirono. Then maybe she would give him his balls back.