Monday, September 17, 2018

Just when did shame and honor die on the left?

Diane Feinstein is an old, sleazy, disease ridden, crab infested whore.  She started her career when George Mitchell first pimped her out 1992.  She turned tricks for Mitchell, then Tom Daschle, then Harry the roach Reid all of whom used the old whore to line their own pockets with public cash before moving on to more honorable work – giving Lewinskies to homeless men at the Caligula, D.C. bus station. 

The old whore has stayed put and is currently being pimped out by Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer.   She’s such an expert at spreading disease now that all any one has to do is come within proximity of the slimy whore, you don’t even have to touch the old slut, to be infected by this bitch’s special kind of bionic antibiotic resistant clap and multiple other communicable diseases.

Diane Feinstein’s distinct disease spreading ability makes Typhoid Mary look like Florence Nightingale.

Pimp Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer is taking great joy at the infection his prime stable whore Feinstein has been able spread across the country. Their intent is to infect the entire country with Feinstein’s singular strain of clap that makes it impossible for anyone who might disagree with them to voice those disagreements.  Anyone who does is smeared mercilessly, their family dragged through whore Feinstein’s nasty brand of innuendo, half-truth and total BS.

The Demo-Dope Party – and sadly a great deal of their base - is a shameless bunch anti-American azzholes.  They take a squeaky clean guy who has passed SIX FBI BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS and based on a decades old uncorroborated allegation smear him for nothing more than political reasons in front of his beautiful family and the entire country. 

Not one of the pandering, self-aggrandizing, arrogant azzwipe Dopes from Farticus to fake war hero Blumenthal, to military trashing The Dick Turbin, to whore bitch Feinstein believe that Kavanaugh is unqualified or even the slightest danger to the country as founded.  

Quite the opposite they oppose him because their rabid base demand it, because the base knows that Kavanaugh will support and defend the constitution.  That cannot stand that prospect. So destroying a decent guy and his family is small price to stick it to PDJT and keep the 4-4 split on the Supreme Court. 

Bottom line:  NO HONOR or SHAME remains on the Left. It’s that simple.  Once you know that, what do you do?  The Republicans will continue to go along and get along with the Dopes in the hope that that they themselves will not be infected by a slimy Dope whore like Feinstein or her pimp Schumer.   PDJT will hose them down with disinfectant and inject them with new hyper strength clap destroying antibodies - via twitter.  He’ll be the only one fighting the good fight on the Republican side. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

To damage Trump a small group of senators have intentionally destroyed the reputation of a person that cannot now fully clear himself. Ala Judge Thomas. Ala Joe Tester and the doctor admiral. The swamp seeks to destroy people. Trump's next scotus nominee? Judge Roy Moore of Alabama or some other right wing flame thrower.