Friday, September 14, 2018

Desperate last minute Kavanaugh smear, hurricanes: the safest place to be seems to be standing outside reporting on them

The 150 year old Diane Feinstein just released a letter that she’s had in her possession since June detailing supposed misconduct by Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh during – get this – f-ing high school.  Of course the person leveling the accusations demands to remain anonymous. YGBSM.

If they vet people that far back, I guess I’ll have to mark “Become a Supreme Court Justice” off my to-do list.

This is just totally transparent BS.  It is total obstructionism. Why didn’t the old bag bring it up during the hearings? 

So, an unknown person is leveling accusations that cannot be revealed or corroborated to Demo-Dope operatives who vowed to “stop Kavanaugh”, and we’re supposed to take this sh*t seriously. 

I just received an anonymous letter from a woman who claims that, as a middle aged woman, Diane Feinstein was caught looting after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.  Feinstein claimed that it was an innocent mistake.  The 1,000 gold coins she was caught with outside the 1st National Bank looked exactly like the one she lost during the quake.     

Florence the horrible
Florence is ashore in the Carolinas.  Apparently only the people warning residences about the dire consequences of remaining in the epic storm’s path have been permitted to stay and report on the storm’s ferocity while standing out in it.

That’s crazy.  If I were a residence who had just evacuated and watched any one of what must be 10,000 Johnny on the spot reporters in the zone reporting live, I just might  think, “They warned us to get out.  Now, look at them idiots.  Hell Martha how bad can it be?  All of these jackazzes are just standing out in it talkin’ on TV. Next time we ain’t leavin’.”

I get it.  TV is a visual media and the producers need compelling pictures.  So they send their intrepid reporters, literally, into the eye of the storm holding on to a lamp post shouting into the mic to compensate for 90 MPH winds, telling people how dangerous the situation is.  Hmm, seems to me this like standing up in the open, in the line of fire during a fire fight to get a better look at the enemy’s firing positions.  Stupid.

If the networks need pictures put Go-Pro cameras out with a wind meter and a rain gage.  Do fun stuff.  Have a wind driven cut out of Billbo Billyboy Clinton in his undershorts chasing a woman around the Oval Office desk.  “Oh my gosh look at them go!  Their pace has definitely picked up.  They have now run 6 miles around that desk by our calculations.”

Re Puerto Rico
Color me suspicious that the body count there went from 18 to 3,000 without so much as word from a MSM whose sole purpose is to get PDJT.  Seems to me, were that truly the case, we would have been inundated with daily reports of how PDJT was “killing people of color” with an inept response to the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico.

I guess they were too focused on the Stormy Daniels story to be concerned with 1,000s dying in Puerto Rico.

Also, by my limited understanding of these things, the federal government’s responsibility is not to divert the hurricane, but rather to supply relief after the storm is gone.  The body count is not really a reflection of the relief efforts. 

There literally was nowhere for 98% of the population to go. They were forced to seek out the high ground and ride it out. In the future, I think we should just issue them all raincoats, a TV crew and camera and let them report live from the storm center.  That seems to work for network reporters. 

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