Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh carries the day no thanks to Republicans - save Graham

Crazy creepy Dr. gal proved every modifier in her Lex derived name.  I didn’t believe a word of her BS.  Nearly everyone, including Kavanaugh is of the opinion that “something, somewhere, at some time, committed by someone happened to Dr. gal.”

After watching her my guess is that what happened to her is a long line of poor decisions regarding men and consensual sex dating back to high school. Now after watching her, I don’t think she’s very happy with who she is and has to blame someone other than herself for her poor decisions. So she decides that she’s a miserable person because she was sexually assaulted as a teen - a victim who cannot be blamed for her bad decisions.  Someone had to pay.

That’s Dr. Lex’s theory about crazy creepy Dr. gal.  Anyone who could watch her testimony and not come away thinking she’s disturbed didn’t watch carefully.

“Lex! Okay she’s a bit touched, but creepy?  How so?”  She’s creepy because she allowed herself to be used by the Dopes.  She wanted to remain anonymous, but she never looked at the ancient old whore Diane Feinstein in the eye and called her out for leaking her name as in: “You filthy whore.  I trusted you. You worthless b*tch.  Look at what you’ve done to my life.”  She just sat there, smiling at times.

She’s creepy because she could remember everything except things that exposed her BS story as a BS story.  She’s creepy because she’s supposedly a PHD but doesn’t know how to be sworn in at a hearing.  She’s creepy because she’s a PHD and her handwriting looks like left handed 3rd grader’s (Trust me I know.).  She’s creepy because she’s a PHD but doesn’t know what the word “exculpatory” means. She’s creepy because she’s a PHD and doesn’t know how to contact her representative. She’s creepy because she associates with creeps and they don’t come any creepier than the Dope creep farm that populates Dope side of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Whatever the Republicans paid the “professional” prosecutor, they should demand their money back. Aside from proving that Dr. gal is a creepy BS liar about her “fear of flying” she didn’t get anywhere.  It was horrible.  At the pace she pursued Dr. gal, she’d have needed a year and half to establish Dr. gal was female.

Here’s just some BS from crazy creepy Dr. gal’s testimony that the “professional prosecutor” never challenged:

The fourth unnamed boy had to have been the host. Had to be because everyone else was accounted for.  Who doesn’t remember that bit of information?  A small tidbit as in: “The fourth person, whose name I cannot recall, must have been the host, because I knew everyone else.”  

Who goes upstairs to use the bathroom in a stranger’s house?  I’ve searched my memory.  I’ve never left the floor where the party was in someone’s house to use the bathroom, let alone at a stranger’s house.

How is it possible not remember how she got to or home from the party but clearly remember that she only had one beer?  Had she admitted that she didn’t remember how many beers she had, that would open another can of worms, so she had to be absolutely sure that she only had one beer.  Very convenient.

How is it possible that no one else has come forward to volunteer that they drove her?

I’m pretty sure that a “professional” saw about 10,000 other major inconsistencies that were never explored by the “professional prosecutor”.   

Imagine my angst when she showed up to question Kavanaugh after Dr. gal.  If Senator Graham (the Grahmnesty moniker has been suspended for the time being) hadn’t stepped in to level the Dopes, I’m not sure Kavanaugh would have been able to salvage the day.

So where are we?  As noted in yesterday’s post, exactly where we started.  In that sense it was mission accomplished for the Dopes.  The process was delayed and the crazy creepy Dr. gal not only wasn’t blown up but is widely seen as “credible” and “sympathetic” - except to trained minds like Lex who saw through her BS. Had Kavanaugh and Graham not been so forceful and powerful this thing would have gone down.  Most Republicans still do not have the stomach for a fight.

So where do we go?  Vote.  Dopes will continue like a wounded bear.  They will growl and thrash about more and more fiercely until the hunter delivers the coup de gras. Do it quickly.  The bear is most dangerous when wounded.  Dopes are already threatening impeachment if Kavanaugh is confirmed.  They continue to threaten law makers.  They continue attack the nominee and his family. The coup de gas will come Tues – Wed at the latest – when the Kavanaugh vote is taken.  The bear will continue to snarl and claw until then.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Nothing to add to Lex. The demo dopes found the right person to be the accuser. A very confused person.
Two observations..(1) 1200 written questions to Kavanaugh? WTF? More than all other nominees combined. Judge K is a bigger man than me. I would have said to trim this BS down to 10-20 questions. (2) If K joins the court will he look back and make some decisions remembering his treatment by the dopes? I hope so. Revenge best served cold. Again, he is a better man than me. But how do you forget this?