Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Standing up to the Demo-Dope smear of Kavanaugh

If Kavanaugh is not confirmed by the senate, it won’t be the Demo-Dopes fault.  They’ve put the country on notice that they are not interested in the qualifications of any of PDJT’s judicial nominees.  They would resist Jesus Christ if PDJT nominated him.

If the Kavanaugh nomination fails it can be laid at the feet of the usual suspects, lil’ Bob Corker, idiot Susan Collins, Flake the flake and Murkowski.  If I were McConnell – surprisingly strong on this nomination – I’d have PDJT and Kavanaugh come to a senate Republican conference.  There, PDJT would lay out the political reality for Republicans.  “Lex, what does PDJT know about politics?  He’s only been in one election.”  Exactly. 

There was a great story from one of PDJT rallies last week.  PDJT told of when a long time senator was lecturing him on the political process.  The senator told PDJT that he’d been in politics for decades and knew how the game was played.  PDJT replied, “I’ve been in politics for 2 ½ years, and I’m President of the United States.”

The Caligula, D.C. azzwipe ruling class swamp dwellers, Rat establishment Republican and Dope alike, will never get PDJT, but he totally gets them.  PDJT may not get politics, but he has an uncanny ability to sense where the American people are and make his case in terms we understand.  So maybe he does get politics. He just boils it down to its essence instead of playing politics on issues by trying to split every hair on the baby’s head so as to play all sides. 

So PDJT explains to Republican senatorial caucus what is at stake in this midterm.  Then he tells them to take as long as necessary to ask Kavanaugh questions to come to a conclusion on his qualifications* for a seat on the Supreme Court and his response to Dope BS sex assault charges. Playing hide the ball at this point of the game does not appear to be a winning strategy to me.

*NOTE:  If his qualifications were ever in doubt, the Dopes wouldn’t need to smear the guy with this sex assault BS.

If ever there was a case when a charge of sex assault might work in your favor it’s when Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti gets involved and levels charges so wild and preposterous that even Demo-Dopes steer clear. 

The idea that Kavanaugh was the leader of a drug and rape gang in high school seems to have truly jumped the shark. Not because it could never happen, but rather because after six FBI investigations it would have already been found out.  So while I’m sure Avenatti thinks his smear is working to discredit Kavanaugh, it is really working to demonstrate what a total Demo-Dope smear job is being perpetrated on the American people.

That’s right – the American people.  The Dopes aren’t smearing Kavanaugh – well they are but – the real target is the American people.  They are smearing a constitutional process that will never be the same – or at least should never be the same*.  They are smearing the electoral process where winning the presidency isn’t enough to be President of the United States any more – or at least not enough to exercise the duties of the office of POTUS.  They are smearing 63 million American voters who voted for PDJT’s right to act as POTUS.

*NOTE:  If the Republicans hold the senate and do not change the process for confirming a Supreme Court nominee after this smear, they are derelict.  I’d get rid of the senate hearing.  The nominee would spend as much time as necessary with Judiciary Committee members one-on-one behind closed doors.  Then take the committee vote.  At a minimum there would be no televised hearings.   

The screwy thing about this smear is that the Dopes are in the minority in the senate.  WTF?

Anyone who thinks that this BS opens the door for Republicans to play tit for tat when the Dopes nominate a Supreme Court Justice don’t understand Republicans.  Our sense of decency and fair play will not allow such BS.  Look at the votes on Kagan (63-37) and Sotomayor (68-31).

The last thing about this process is Republican reaction to it.  No matter what happens to Kavanaugh, I’ll be at the polls in November to vote for the least azzbagish candidates available.  Many are calling for a backlash against Republicans if they fail to confirm Kavanaugh.  Seems to me that’s like calling for the death penalty if you’re convicted of speeding 30 in 25. We should all just do the best that we can.

The last, last thing on this process.  I keep hearing that we need to hear all the facts on the accusations.  Hmm I believe we know as much as we are likely to find out from accusers who have told their stories and have admitted that they don’t remember much about what they are accusing Kavanaugh of doing. 

Also, there’s the small fact that none of the people the accusers claim to have been present at the incidents can recall them happening.

So WTF?  Seems like it should be a pretty short hearing.  Dopes will spend little time on the actual incident the facts of which don’t play to their advantage.  Instead they will attack Kavanaugh, not as a sex predator, but rather as a privileged white male.  That will be another bastardization of the constitutional process by the Dopes.

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