Thursday, September 06, 2018

Friday's post early - Dopes embarrass themselves at Kavanaugh hearings but think they are smart doing so

I did watch some of the Kavanaugh hearings yesterday and today at lunch.  The experience had me thinking about The Caine Mutiny.  Whenever a Demo-Dope – particularly Pat leaky Leahy – questioned Kavanaugh, it seemed like they were acting like the paranoid skipper of the USS Cain, Lt. Commander Queeg, trying to prove Kavanaugh stole the strawberries.

It was at the same time hilarious and pathetic.  The Dopes on the Judiciary Committee have all pretty much announced that they wouldn’t support the nominee.  Yet they claim that the “American people” have a right to know what’s in Kavanaugh’s private e-mails. 

What’s the point?  Why the charade?  If the Dopes were honest, (don’t hold your breath) they’d just say, “Hey look we’re not voting him, no matter how qualified he is.  We don’t oppose him because we think he’s unqualified.  He is well qualified.  We've already passed him through a hearing not too long ago. We oppose him because he’s been nominated by PDJT.”

Everyone knows how this ends.  As such, the hearing is nothing more than a formality. If there were no cameras in the hearing room the Kavanaugh's hearing would have lasted about 10 minutes. But turn on the cameras and the Bookers and Harris's are going to preen for the camera and launch their presidential campaigns.

Baldheaded azzbag Cory Booker claims he released “committee confidential” material on Kavanaugh because the end justifies the means – don’t you know. I’d have reminded the show boating azz wipe that were he a Yeoman in the Navy (four pay grades above his mental acumen) and did that, they strip his clearance and lock his worthless azz up. Then I’d ask the man who, if you shot the top of his empty head off, would continue to walk around sans the top of his empty head as if nothing had happened, what makes him think he’s better than a Navy Yeoman?

Republicans as always, except PDJT, took Booker’s sh*t lying down.

The Dopes looked old, stupid, inept and totally unable to do one damn thing about the inevitable so they just acted like the worthless sh*ts that they are. None of this is Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer’s fault.  Butthead Schumer was forced to play the trumpless hand Harry the roach Reid had dealt him when the roach suspended the 60 vote rule for judicial nominees.

Way to go roach.  You’re still doing a heck of a job.

Continue to today's post.

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