Tuesday, November 06, 2018

It's tough to run against free sh*t

Today’s another test whether the American people prefer an opportunity to seek their greatest potential or are willing to stand at the trough waiting for their overlords to turn on the gruel machine for their daily ration.  It’s pretty much that simple.  Republicans run on opportunity.  Demo-Dopes run on handing out free sh*t. 
It’s hard to beat free sh*t Mr. and Mrs. America. They offer free healthcare – “It’s a right not a privilege!”  They want everyone – including illegal aliens - to go to college for free. Internet access is a right - free. Housing, food, transportation, cell phones, prescriptions, pizza night, etc. etc. all free.  
We’re not against a safety net.  It’s when the net become a hammock that we become skeptical. Someone  - Ben Franklin I think – said no one should be made comfortable in their poverty.  The motto for the Demo-Dope socialist agenda today is: Vote Demo-Dope it beats working for a living 
It makes little sense to us who want nothing more than the government to get the hell out of our lives, but it’s hard to beat Santa Claus.  Dopes show up with a sleigh full for free sh*t.  Republicans show up with nothing but an opportunity to reach your full human potential. 
Free sh*t is appealing to a large percentage of people.  That’s why these things always seem so tense and so close.  The dangerous thing is that once a country goes too far down the free sh*t Rd. it’s hard to get the ship of state turned around. 
When the Dope party turns full on socialist/communist, every election becomes the election of our life-time, because it’s that important. 
So we have to go to the polls in great numbers and turn back the Dope agenda where ever possible.  Go vote.   

Lex was right
In the post under, juxtaposing the Libs’ efforts to trash the second amendment against Republicans effort to deal with the 14th Amendment, Lex note how Republicans are willing to trust their idea to the vote of the people.
Here and here are some underhanded efforts by Dopes to break up the 2nd Amendment.

Daylight savings time
Humans shouldn’t be tampering with time.  It’s not natural. Daylight saving time is total complete 100% BS.  The way I know is the dog still wants out and the horse still wants to be fed by 8 am EST.  Springing ahead and falling behind is something they just will not under any circumstances tolerate – okay, okay, okay they will tolerate getting out and fed early but definitely not late, and you cannot have one without the other.

Size matters
Remember PDJT’s inauguration?  The media was all about the size of the crowd.  During the run up to the midterms PDJT is drawing 10’s of thousands at rallies. The Empty Suit can’t fill a high school gym.  Slow Joe couldn’t draw a crowd big enough for a card party.  So where are all the stories on crowd size now?

SNL’s shameful skit
I used to be critical of college and pro athletes.  I rarely am these days*. First, I watch so little of sports the opportunities are few and far between.  Next, it dawned on me years ago, that even at my peak I could never approximate what these guys do. Last, no one is out there to screw it up.  They’re all doing their level best.  So there is no point in me shouting at the TV telling everyone in the room where the strong man failed.

*NOTE:  Coaches are still fair game.  If you need a yard on 3rd down and you know you’re going to go for it on 4th, don’t start the play 7 yards deep in your own backfield.  Don’t run a double revers.  And you’d better give the ball to a running back on at least one of the plays.  That’s all I ask.

I sort of got the same feeling when I heard about the double d-bag on SNL, Pete Davidson, mocking a wounded former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw.

Davidson is clearly not fit to shine Crenshaw’s shoes. He’s weak.  He’s no more capable of doing the things Crenshaw has than Lex is play linebacker in the NFL.  I’d like to see a bare knuckles fight between the two, proceeds going to charity.  I think they’d get one taker.  My guess is that Davidson would not be available for comment. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

"Are you tired of winning? Please, we can't take so much winning." The president worked harder for this midterm win than any president before him. His opponents strategy has been to whine. Hard to vote for whiners. Free stuff from the fed overlord or opportunity. Exactly what this is about. Some people still can't help claiming to be victims. Slighted. Davidson whines, Crenshaw driving to win. What is the soul of America today? Complain and quit or work hard to succeed?