Thursday, November 01, 2018

Today's JG rant education

Lex has railed against the 19th century one-size-fits-all public education model that is still in use in America today.  The only thing that has changed in this model is that in the 19th century American children actually learned to read, write, add and subtract, now they don’t. Instead they learn all manner of Leftist folderol designed more to make children a reliable vote for Dopes and their hare-brained policies rather than functioning members of a modern society. 
Here’s a good article capturing what’s going on in American schools and an appropriate response to the malpractice.  
Serendipitously, the Price article showed up the same day as this letter to the editor ran in today’s local fish wrap: 
FWCS incumbents worthy of new terms
I've appreciated The Journal Gazette's coverage of the upcoming school board race. It's encouraging to see three at-large candidates bringing some much-needed attention and competitiveness to a race that often flies under the radar. With that said, it's clear that Maria Norman and Anne Duff should be re-elected. Both have approached their current terms with high levels of professionalism and demonstrated success.
Maria Norman brings a fresh, local perspective and has a bright future ahead of her in service to our community, while Anne Duff's rich professional experience adds balance to the board. Both clearly understand the broad strategic challenges facing the state's largest school district and have routinely taken nuanced, student-first positions. I trust both with the  challenge of replacing our nationally recognized superintendent in 2020.
Please join me in voting for Maria Norman and Anne Duff for the Fort Wayne Community Schools board.
Josh Spencer
Fort Wayne 
Lex took the opportunity to channel Price in in today’s JG rant: 
Re: Josh Spenser’s letter, “FWCS incumbents worthy of new terms”, of Nov 1, 2018 
If FWCS were a professional sports team, based on the record, the coach (Superintendent) would have been fired mid-season. If it were a publicly traded company, the Board of Directors would have sacked the CEO (Superintendent) long ago. 
FWCS, particularly FWCS high schools, are not very good.  To keep hiring the same people to run the system while expecting a better result, is foolish.  Clean house.  Start with new people with new ideas.  What do you have to lose? 
I do not question any of the current officeholders’ commitment to FWCS.  I do question the results.  I do question why they remain doggedly tethered to a failed 19th century one-size-fits-all model for public education.  I do question why the same schools that were abysmal 5 years ago are still abysmal today. 

Every coach and CEO commits to winning.  Not all are capable for myriad reasons. Lincoln went through a number of commanders until he found Grant to lead the Union Army. Maintaining the status quo at FWCS is akin to Lincoln sticking with George McClellan after his failed Peninsula Campaign.

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