Tuesday, November 13, 2018

We need an EU army. Is this satire? It cannot be serious.

The Griffin and I have a running a joke.  It starts in high school.  I’ll say, “You should have listened to me about investing in Gender Rd property back in ‘74.”  Gender Rd was corn fields back in ‘74.  Today it’s a developed – nay over-developed - thriving commercial center. He’ll say, “Yeah, we should have sunk every nickel we had into that idea.  That would have given us, what, a ten cent investment?”

There were only two problems with our plan to speculate in Gender Rd property back in ‘74. 1) We had no idea that the land would become so valuable.  2)  Even if we had such an inkling, we had no money to capitalize on our vision.

Lex, who gives a crapola about some land speculation fantasy from nearly 50 years ago?  Well Frenchie French Emmanuel Macron for one.  Macron has this brilliant idea about creating a self-sufficient EU army to defend themselves against the Russians, Chinese and Americans.  My first response to Macron’s idea is, BWAAAHAHAHAH!  YGBSM.  You feckless azzweasels couldn’t defend yourselves against Grand Fenwick (Google it).

Does anyone, including Frenchie McFrench Macron think the EU has the stomach to pay up 100% for an EU army when the cheap sh*ts won’t pay 4% of GDP for NATO – read the US – to protect their worthless azzes?  Even if they cough up the money, does anyone believe that the EU has the stomach to fight?  I don't doubt the courage of any soldier, but I cannot believe that the body politic in the EU has the stomach for a fight.  Even if they cough up the money and are willing to fight, does anyone seriously believe that the EU can go toe to toe with the Russians, the Chinese or the US?  The four levels of French resistance remains - Threat level one: Enjoy some more wine.  Threat level two: Ignore the coming storm.  Threat level three:  Surrender.  Threat level four: Collaborate with the enemy.

The US has given Europe a 60 year free ride. Macron may have the vision of an EU army, but the entire EU doesn’t have the will or the capital to invest in an EU platoon, let alone Army. Even if they did, the army would be bogged down in interminable infighting among the competing interests in the EU. Has Macon noticed that a lot of EU partners are interested in getting the hell out the BS union?

The UK, Hungry, Greece, Italy all want out.  Right leaning parties in Germany, Austria and Sweden are advocating for withdrawal.  It’s that nasty nationalism that Frenchie Macron cannot stand raising its ugly head.  A nation’s government looking out for the interests of the people in that country is a threat to the arrogant dictates from Brussels. 

Exit question: How do you build an army from a union in which half the countries have expressed an interest of getting out of the union and half the people in the remaining counties want out?

Here’s how it’ll work.  Brussels will demand that Hungry supply three divisions to defend Estonia from the Russians.  Meanwhile EU big wigs France, Germany and Italy each supply three divisions to defend the south of Spain from a Chinese amphibious assault.

Even Macon doesn’t believe his own BS. It’s all posturing from weak weasel.  

FL Count
The MSM is still pushing the fantasy that there is “no evidence of fraud in Broward county.”  Total BS.  Not following the law is the fraud.  Not clearing the rolls of ineligible and dead voters is fraud. Not complying with transparency laws is fraud.  When you put it all together it is clear Broward County is engaging in a massive fraud.  Finding 10s of thousands of votes after the election is fraud. 

Dope electioneering exposes deep state azzbags
Seems to me that if you want to know if the deep state in the form of the FBI and intel world conspired against the Trump campaign, you wouldn’t need to look any further the naked support for all things Demo-Dope by disgraced FBI Director Jimmy the shape shifter Comey, his azzbag twin John the first angry man Brennan, lying gasbag cure for the clap Clapper et al. They didn’t just support this Demo-Dope or that Demo-Dope they supported the Demo-Dope party lock, bump stock and barrel.

So how did these supposed a-political non-partisan “public servants” go all in for the Dopes in the mid-term?  The obvious answer is that they never were a-political or non-partisan. 

Today’s JG rant
Re: Karen Deemer’s letter, “Trump overdue to become uniter”, of Nov 12, 2018

Deemer laments, “We are a divided, angry nation.”  Who is the “we”?  The only anger I see is generated from the raging howler monkeys on the left. 

Conservatives aren’t shouting down leftist loons on campus.  The heckler’s veto is a tool used exclusively by the left to silence competing opinions.  Who is angrily shouting at people in restaurants, bars, movies, airports and the halls of congress?  Who is rioting in front of peoples’ houses threatening women and children?  Who is assaulting people with bike locks?  Who is rioting, smashing and burning things?  All of these activities are the tools of the angry left-wing mob.

I’m not angry.  I’m delighted.  I love turning to this page every morning to see how many negative adjectives and modifiers the next unhinged #NEVERTRUMPer can string together to describe the President of the United States, the country itself and half of their fellow citizens.
Rage on lefty.

Trump overdue to become uniter
During the presidential campaign of 2016, I was dismayed by Donald Trump's divisive, mean-spirited rhetoric. I couldn't believe it.
Since being elected president, his angry rhetoric has worsened. I have waited for him to become “more presidential,” as he promised. I hoped and prayed he would listen to the advisers he chose, but he only fired them if they didn't agree with him. I have continually prayed for him in his role.
How can we teach our children to be kind and respectful, and not to bully others, when he is the example he is?
My deepest fears have now been realized. Someone who admires him has acted upon the anger and judgmentalism with violence.
When asked about the recent bombs sent to fellow Americans in the mail, Trump actually blamed the media. He takes no responsibility for the fires his angry words have set in a disturbed mind.
We are a divided, angry nation. It is a rapidly disintegrating situation worsened by the president's foolish tweets and remarks.
We need to somehow come together as Americans and we need to demand that the president tone down his angry rhetoric, swallow his pride and become the uniting leader we need.
Karen Deemer
Edgerton, Ohio

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I suggest Macrons EU military be led by the Admiral of the Swiss Navy. Mythical EU force will need a mythical leader.
Division in the US is wider then ever. Repubs are fighting back. How many NFL penalty flags are thrown on the player getting retribution? Lots. After getting kicked in the groin a few times I can see a player ripping the head off the other guy. Repubs need to learn to hide it better.
Florida Snipes is perfectly qualified as supervisor of elections. Female. Minority. And cannot count.