Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The unexpected consequence of global warming: Global cooling

This is interesting.  I was thinking the exact same thing as I walked the dog down to the barn last night.  The temp was 19 degrees. The normal low this time of the year is supposed to be around 33 degrees.  

No doubt when it gets colder the global warm-monger freaks will blame the whole thing on global warming.  They will say straight faced, “Well of course cooling is the natural consequence of global warming.  Everyone but the climate deniers understand this indisputable phenomenon.  Anyone who disagrees should be jailed.”

I for one am able to cope with warming a heck of lot easier than cooling. I only say that because it’s cold outside.  When it’s hot outside my position is that it’s much easier to adapt to the cold.  I do know this. It’s much easier to die from exposure in the cold than it is in the heat, and that’s my firm position until summer.

If it didn’t have such serious consequences, I’d find it comical that California officials blame the raging wild fires plaguing that state on climate change.  WTF?  Blaming fires on climate change allows these buffoons to do nothing about the real causes. “Hey look, it’s all due to climate change. What can we do?”

Whatever one believes is the cause of a dry, or even over dry, California – which is largely desert so being dry should surprise no one - clearing tinder-like undergrowth and dead fall from affected areas, thereby removing the fuel for fires, should be commonsense to anyone interested in preventing or mitigating wild fires. Ahh commonsense the rarest of all human traits among California libs.  It’s easier to find Bigfoot riding a unicorn than a Lib with commonsense in California.

So the state burns as Lib pols throw up their hands blaming global warming instead of taking available and necessary steps to limit the destruction.  Azzbags.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Which state has the biggest problem with wildfires, drought, and earthquakes? But ignoring that they will build a high speed rail system to nowhere,costing $80B, right over faultlines and through mountain tunnels. The state can't manage what they have now. And $80B could go along way in new water systems. Climate change is the least of their problems. Lack of common sense being number one issue.