Monday, November 05, 2018

Vote on the 14th Amendment

Demo-Dopes want to snatch your guns away under a ruse called “commonsense gun safety.”  The ruse requires that the Dopes nibble at the edges of the Second Amendment politically while their stooges in courts make the frontal assault on America’s first freedom.  The endgame is always the same – wrest firearms from the American people.

Lex has always maintained that the only thing standing between the Dope and their ultimate goal is the Second Amendment.  Lex has often pointed that confiscation is a political loser for the Dopes and they know it.  Otherwise they would recommend a repeal and replacement for the Second Amendment. So they’ve adopted the “common sense gun safety” ruse to disguise the ultimate goal. 

The Dopes whine that the founders never could have predicted the lethality of modern weapons.  If they could have divined the march of technology, they never would have advocated for the right of the masses to own modern weapons. 

That argument is, of course, total BS. The founder were aware of the inevitability of repeating firearms. Now apply the same standard to the right of free speech.  Could the founders have foreseen an era where every unemployed PJed up loser could publish a daily flyer that could be read world-wide  - aka a blog?  But no one but campus Liberals, Facebook tech bullies, the Dope party and the MSM are calling for limits to free speech – always yours never theirs.

So if the Dopes thought that gun confiscation was necessary and correct they’d do the right thing and propose a “modern Second Amendment.”  They never have.  As far as I know, no serious Dope Pol has ever offered a vision of what a new Second Amendment might look like.

Juxtapose the left’s BS shenanigans on the Second Amendment to the right’s tactic on the 14th. I do not what all of the legal arguments are for and against ending birthright citizenship under the 14th, but I do know smart people have made legitimate arguments for restricting it.  I do know that polls show a majority of Americans favor ending or restricting it.

I doubt that a Presidential Executive order, even if legal, is the best way to go.  A law passed through congress defining birthright citizenship brings permanency and a wider consensus to the issue.  A Constitutional Amendment would settle the issue in the broadest terms.  I’m happy to go down that road.  Get timid both sides of every issue pols on the record.  Let’s do what Dopes will never do Re: the Second Amendment.  Vote on it. 

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