Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Little Barry The Empty Suit tries to maintain relevance by name calling

Little Barry The Empty Suit is sad.  PDJT has systematically dismantled just about everything the worthless affirmative action pass through managed to “accomplish” with his pen and phone.  TES desperately wants to be relevant.  Right now he’s about as relevant as the Jamaicans in the Olympic Bobsled completion, a one legged place kicker in the NFL or my garden tractor in a qualifying run for a NASCAR race. 

What’s a worthless BS artist to do when 8 years in office exposes him as worthless BS artist?  His main claim to fame is being a half black BS artist whose major accomplishment before trying to dismantle the United States was voting present on controversial issues in the IL state senate. 

TES just cannot stand it that PDJT is moving the economy, destroying ISIS, protecting the border, slashing government regulation, achieving energy independence and making America great again.  His pen and phone are rather as worthless as TES himself at this point. But he can still run his suck.  So that’s what the smarmy weasel does.

While answering a question on why the US doesn’t invest in climate change policies, Barry The Empty Suit took a veiled shot at PDJT, “The reason we don't is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism — mommy issues.”  

Wow, when you squeeze all that negativity into one sound bite you begin to sound like an angry PJed up blogger.  Not a good look for an ex-pres and someone who thinks of himself as "no drama O'dumbazz".  There's a lot of drama in there.

So where to begin?  Mommy issues?  PDJT should tweet, “At least I knew my mom.  I wasn’t such a worthless sh*t that my mom and dad had to pawn me off on granny.  So I suppose you have grand-mommy issues.  You have daddy issues as well.  That’s why you married the angry Moochell, so you’d finally have a man in your life.”

Racism?  Really?  Racism is causing global warming?  Who knew?  PDJT tweet: “The Demo-Dope party is the party of the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, welfare dependency for people of color and now global warming. The biggest racist in the country - Revs? Farrakhan, Not-so-Sharp-ton, Jackson, GD America Wright and AG Eric the Wad Holder etc – are all Demo-Dopes.  All racists.”

Anger and hate?  YGBSM. PDJT tweet: “Anger and hate?  Your statement is dripping with anger and hate.  Anger that you and your worthless destructive policies are no longer relevant.  Hate for half the country that does not share your obvious hate for America.”

Next tweet: “Confused and blind?  You mean confused like the Fast Furious gun running operation that got Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry killed.  Blind like ‘not knowing anything about Lois Learners weaponizing the IRS’ against American citizens for their political leanings 'until you read about it in the papers' – that kind of blind?”

Last tweet.  “You’re weak.  Everyone knows it.  Embrace your weakness.  Live it out painting water colors, eating tofu and peddling your girl bike around the block with your helmet, knee and elbow pads firmly in place.  Let Americans run America.”

When cowards call someone a coward
The White House Correspondents Association has sh*t canned the “comedy” routine for next year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner in favor of famed author and historian Ron Chernow.  The baboon’s azz ugly “comedian” whose voice sounds like a band howler monkeys fighting over the last banana – Michelle Wolf – called the WHCA cowards for dumping the standup comedian shtick.

First, and most important, you’re not funny.  Second, not being funny isn’t a crime.  Every comedian has bombed at one time or another, but they rarely bomb because they chose to be offensive rather than funny.  So GFY. Last, a Hollywood POS calling anyone a coward is hilarious.  Never in the history of Borg-like Borgs has there been a more Borg-like Borg than Hollywood group thinkers. 

Never has there been a bigger bunch of cowards afraid to step out of line by so much as one mil least the collective descend on them, eat them and their children and burn their house to the ground.

Last point same as the first point, you’re not funny.

Dr. Robertson's rule:  Countries do not have permanent friends.  They have permanent interests.  Simple solution, PDJT should do what is ever in America's best interest with regard to the Saudis.   


1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Mr. Michelle Obama grabbing headlines from the Mrs's. Michelle has a new book, doing the friendly press circuit, while the Weak One tries to get a phone booth full of people to listen to him. Very fragile ego with Barry the Stoner.

The WHCA dinner folks have burned the big attraction. Twice. Now PDJT says GFY. Ticket prices probably lower than the Cleveland Browns. The WHCA marketing group brillant. Piss off the main attraction. Take their hard passes away for being stupid.