Thursday, November 08, 2018

Sessions and Acosta

Another shooting
There’s been a mass shooting in a CA country western night club.  CA has pretty strict gun laws.  That does not make a difference.  My guess is that by 6:30 – before anything about the shooter or motive is known - Demo-Dopes who now run the house will be proposing all manner of ineffective gun laws that will do nothing but restrict law abiding people from owning a firearm.  Elections have consequences.   

Jeff Sessions
I’m old enough to remember when PDJT nominated Jeff Sessions.  Ten seconds later the Demo-Dopes went to their default argument.  They called him a racist.  After all, they reasoned, who has a middle name like Beauregard who isn’t a racist? To them, sadly, their logic is irrefutable.

Now PDJT has fired the most ineffective Attorney General ever.  He was a lame duck two days after he was sworn in. The firing was the least surprising surprise in the history of surprises.  The same MSM people putting on their shocked faces at the firing yesterday afternoon have been speculating for months how long it would take PDJT to fire Sessions after the midterm. Not long.

The azzbag media are now calling it constitutional crisis.  They are speculating that Mueller is next to be fired by the renegade president.  My guess is that no one in America has more job security than Boob Nifong Mueller.  Boob is like an incompetent brother in law working the bar in your restaurant.  He's your wife’s favorite little brother. For the sake of your family life you tolerate the little sh*t while figuring out the best way to minimize the damage the azzbag can do.  

What has changed with Sessions’ sacking is that Boob might now have someone interested in scope of his “investigation.”  Someone might be interested in the plethora of conflicts of interest among Boob’s team.  Someone might release the guideline of Boob’s investigation.  Someone might require Deputy AG Rosenstein to explain the investigation to congress.  Dopes, crooked FBI types, deep states DOJ azzbags are all in high dudgeon at the firing that might serve to expose their own double dealing – much of it probably illegal.

The mother of all Presidential Pressers
If you needed more proof that the midterm was a victory for PDJT, you need look no further than yesterday’s presser.  The press was not in victory mode.  They were more hostile than usual.  They were angry.  There was no – “Well that was a shellacking” from PDJT and the press was livid that they didn’t get that sound bite.

The press couldn’t allow PDJT to claim any semblance of victory so they went after him – for an hour and half.  PDJT crushed them.  Just standing there for the period of time indicated he had won.  Who stands there taking BS for 90 minutes if they aren’t getting the better of it?

It’s all perspective of course. Jim Acosta probably thinks he’s a Pulitzer Prize candidate now for assaulting a girl during the briefing.  Do they give Pulitzers for rude boorish behavior? 

I watched it live and when that went down all I could think was, “What a dick.”  Who could look at the video and not think Acosta was anything other than a prick?  How long does that douche think he should be able to talk?  Does anyone else in the room have the right to ask a question or is it the Jim Acosta show? 

CNN, instead of firing the azzbag within 30 minutes, is courageously standing by the little weasel.  Fantastic.  Like the Kavanaugh hearings, the average American can look at the tape and see for themselves what pure bags of sh*t Acosta and the Borg known own as CNN are.  They cannot cover it up.  No amount of faux outrage can change the tape.  CNN’s next statement will be, “Who you gonna believe, us or your lyin’ eyes?”

The White House has pulled Acosta’s credentials – something CNN should have done. Now the MSM Borg is falling in line asking for a boycott of the daily briefing until the credentials are restored.  That suits me fine.  Get the weasels out.  Hold the briefing as usual until they begin to trickle back in. 

I used to hold office hours after 1630 formation on Friday.  It was amazing how supposed “witnesses” would fail to materialize at that hour.  Loyalty to support a BS story only runs so deep.  Same with the briefing.  Reasonable people know that Acosta was wrong as he could be.  Watch how long it takes for the MSM to dump Acosta when it begins to affect their air time.

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