Wednesday, October 31, 2018

PDJT living rent free inside unhinged Demo-Dopes heads

DJT does it again!!!!

Anyone who can send the Left over the edge with an off-hand remark about some esoteric issue like the 14th Amendment is a true American hero.  To understand this dynamic consider the unhinged Left’s reaction to the Pittsburgh shootings.  PDJT immediately condemned the shooter. The Left immediately condemned PDJT.  WTF!

I am not a Constitutional Scholar.  I never played on one TV. I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn last night, but I do know there are legitimate arguments on both sides*.  The Left’s reaction to PDJT’s comment is telling.  They do not consider the legitimate arguments on both sides of the issue or even the effect of the current understanding of the law – unlimited chain migration, rewarding law breakers, a magnet for all of South and Central American’s unskilled, uneducated, often disease ridden, often criminal element etc. are having on the country.  Instead they simply attack PDJT for bringing the whole thing up. Talk about attacking the messenger…

*NOTE:  Ask Dopes like Harry the roach Reid who – like always – have been on both sides of the issue.

The Left’s reaction to PDJT’s proposal is all you really need to know.  The fact that they’ve gone all hysterical, renewing accusations of racism, this ism, that ism, all isms, over what many believe to be a commonsense idea means that PDJT is directly over the target.

I just do not know how anyone can keep up this level derangement for nearly two years now.  How can that be healthy?  I recall The Empty Suit years, but I do not recall ever advocating for punching, running Dopes out a restaurants, burning, trashing, revolting, resisting and generally acting like an unhinged loon because TES woke up in the White House for 8 horrible years. 

I did advocate for buying guns and ammo – still legal I believe – for the coming revolution should Dopes ever suspend or tamper with or legally block election results.  The logic being, revolution is the only option after the electoral process suspended or corrupted.  Am I wrong?

Lex never advocated for violence against Libs because they were Libs.  Lex never even advocated for violence against Libs for being the prevailing political wind in America for a time. In fact, Lex was of the opinion that, before PDJT, there wasn’t dime’s worth of difference between the Dopes and Rat establishment Republicans.  So there’s that.

It’s a mystery to me how anyone can get up every morning and be miserable because 63 million Americans disagree with them.  Given the Leftist mantra “BUT, BUT, BUT, Shrillda the Hutt won the popular vote!!!” – more people disagree with me.  I don’t care.  I sort of like being a part of the new counter-culture. 

PDJT seized on the 14th Amendment to rally his base.  It’s brilliant.  Dopes are PO’ed.  It’s great.  As an added benefit, the problem of anchor babies might actually get fixed.  How great is that!

You that know as the Dopes hurl one disingenuous epitaph after another at PDJT, they are cursing his brilliance for bring the issue up a week before the mid-term.  Most people with a brain, Left or Right, legal or illegal, know that birth right citizenship is a stupid policy.

Bravo PDJT!

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