Monday, October 15, 2018

Avenging Kashoggi is not a US national interest

A journalist, Jamal Kashoggi, has disappeared after entering the Saudi consulate in Turkey. It’s feared that Kashoggi was murdered and his body dismembered on the orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad (spell it any way you want) bin Salman.

Nothing outrages journalists more than a journalist being killed.  Police?  No big deal.  They get paid for it.  Besides, everyone knows they are all racists.  Soldiers?  Pretty much the same answer except substitute, idiots who can’t get any other job for racists. 

So journalists are calling for the US to nuke Saudi Arabia over Kashoggi’s death.  Let me stipulate that killing a journalist and slicing him up in pieces small enough to run down the kitchen disposal is bad. I am reminded however of my history prof’s truism, “Countries’ do not have permanent friends.  They have permanent interests.”  Counties ally themselves with all kind of goofy partners to advance their interests.  We sided with mass murderer Uncle Jo Stalin in WWII.

Stalin knew, one death is a tragedy, but one million deaths is nothing more than a statistic.  Stalin was smart enough to deal in the deaths of millions.  It’s sort of like “journalist” overlooking scores of shootings every weekend in “civilized” Chicago for years but dropping everything to cover the death of one of their own.  The Saudi crown price made the mistake of dealing in the death of one guy.  He compounded his boneheaded move by killing a very public critic. Idiot.

I’m happy to see that PDJT isn’t taking the bait of the MSM and the virtue signaling politicians.  The virtue signaling #NEVERTRUMP azzbags would love for PDJT to destabilize the oil market, bust up the anti-Iran coalition and scuttle a contract for hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of American jobs to “punish” Saudi Arabia.  Who is really being punished by any of that? 

Our permanent national interest is not avenging Kashoggi’s death.  Our permanent national interest is in the free flow of reasonably priced oil, bringing the biggest threat to stability in the Middle East – Iran – to heal and keeping the American economy booming.

Today’s JG rant
Bravo to Richard Whissen for his “strong response” to anyone pointing out the despicable mob opposing - stew in this Richard – the confirmation of Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavavnaugh. It’s imperative that we keep the angry Democrat mob, its incivility, destructive activities and anti-American behavior front and center until after the mid-term elections. Way to go Richard. You’re doing a heck of a job.

It’s truly hilarious that Whissen thinks that someone else needs to read the history about American mobs.  He might try it himself.  Who does he think founded the KKK?  It was Democrats, Richard.  They used the KKK – the armed wing of the Democrat Party - to intimidate black voters in the South and scuttle President Grant’s efforts at Reconstruction.  Who made up the segregationist mob, Richard?  The Democrat Party.  Who makes up today’s violent AntiFa mob, Richard?  The Democrat Party.

Who made up the mob at the Kavanaugh hearings, Richard?  Starting with the Democrat senators that included a fake war hero, a wife beater, a Chinese spy facilitator, an admitted groper of women, a windbag who compared American fighting men to Soviets running the gulag and a racist misandrist to name just a few, the mob was wholly a creation of the Democrat party. 

Then the elected Democrat mob invited their Soros paid mob into the gallery to disrupt the hearing throughout. Who were the creepy mob of automatons chanting in the halls of congress and scratching at the doors of the Supreme Court, Richard?  All Democrats.

I’m very delighted that Democrat mobs have stopped lynching black people.  Now they prefer to enslave blacks with the chains of government dependence. 

Now, the PDJT economy is demonstrating to all that there is a better way forward.  The mob is, as is its nature, enraged by that prospect.         

Kavanaugh never had sufficient vetting
Bill Dotterweich's letter of Oct. 5 (“Abortion driving anti-Kavanaugh mob”) demands a strong response.
I know it must make him feel smug and self-satisfied to think that the general opposition to Brett Kavanaugh is attributable to public sentiment about abortion and concern that Kavanaugh will be instrumental in reversing Roe vs. Wade. I think Dotterweich would do well to recognize that there were and remain numerous non-abortion, non-sexual misconduct bases for questioning Kavanaugh's fitness for the Supreme Court.
Unfortunately, the serial adulterer and chronic tax cheat who now occupies the White House denied the Senate Judiciary Committee and the public at large access to hundreds of thousands of position papers that Kavanaugh authored while serving as a White House attorney prior to becoming an appellate judge.
Frankly, the abortion issue is of only minor concern to me. I have faith in the other members of the Supreme Court that they will not easily or recklessly abandon what has become long before this settled law. My concern is for how Kavanaugh will approach other matters that might involve imprudent or highly partisan decisions about basic Bill of Rights issues, including speech, religion, press and firearms.
Finally, I think Dotterweich needs to tone down his rhetoric about mobs, the KKK, lynching and abortion. If he would read a little American and European history, he might learn that nothing we've seen in the last 50 years remotely resembles the mob influence of the KKK and its associated lynchings.
Richard Whissen
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Judge K had over 1200 questions submitted that he answered. Three days of Senate hearings. Six FBI background investigations plus one. A committee responsible for its own investigations with unlimited funding. Mr.Whissen, what is your question of the judge? As you say they are numerous questions unanswered.