Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Fauxahontas Liz Warren likely less American Indian than you are

Heap big (pile of sh*t) Lizzy Warren took the DNA test.  Well sort of.  Like the Crazy Creepy Dr. Gal who took her own private polygraph, Chief Lies-a-lot took a private DNA test that miraculously demonstrated that she did indeed have American Indian blood – not as much as you or me or even the average American of European descent but somewhere around 1/1024th American Indian. 

Even at that, the test proved nothing to confirm that the slight speck of “Indian” DNA that was discovered can be assigned to a tribe or even to something broadly known as North American Indians.  The speck can just as accurately be assigned to South American Indians.  It’s that inconclusive.
Call me crazy but that pretty much seems to confirm to me that she doesn’t have American Indian blood.  Ever the idiot, Fauxcahontas went on the warpath declaring victory and that PDJT owed her favorite charity a million bucks after the bet he made a campaign rally.  PDJT should release a statement that Warren is whiter (99.9%) than Ivory Soap is pure (99.44%).  Using Warren’s criterion would make most Americans of European descent American Indians.  Is that the news standard for minority status?   

PDJT should read the statement of the Cherokee Nation at ever rally from now until Chief White-as-a-Snowflake is run out of the Dope primary:

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America. Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is prove. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."
- Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr.

In case she doesn’t know it:  Liz, you’re done. Give it up.  Go back to your teepee and string some beads.  PDJT successfully branded you with an iron that you stoked over the years until it was red hot.  Then you foolishly didn’t just shut up and go away.  You pumped the bellows like a mad man until the iron turned white hot.  Then PDJT stuck the iron in your eye. Now you’re just a big F-ing joke.

Today’s JG rant
Re Gerald Anthony Reed’s letter, “FWCS candidate makes faulty comparison” of Oct 16, 2018  

Most people don’t mind paying extra for something of superior quality.  A Bugatti Chiron has a starting price of 2.1 million dollars.  A Chevy Spark starts at 13,000 dollars.  Both are cars designed to get the owner from point A to point B.  The difference is quality. 

People might not mind FWCS’s exorbitant payroll if the schools performed in a superior manner.  They don’t, particularly at the high school level.  FWCS has one high school performing slightly above the state average.  One is performing slightly below the average and three that are so subpar that if they were lines at a General Motors plant the lines would be shut down for retraining and the managers fired.

What’s most bothersome about FWCS payroll isn’t total cost or even lavish individual compensation.  It is that FWCS is charging Bugatti prices for Chevy Spark results.

It’s time to dump the 19th century public school paradigm.  Hire innovators that will get young people into college or fast track them into a suitable trade. The current model is failing Fort Wayne.       

FWCS candidate makes faulty comparison
In Brian Thompson's letter “ 'Natural watchdog' vows oversight of FWCS budget” (Oct. 10), I believe he is missing his target.
In his second paragraph he states that Fort Wayne Community is one of the largest school districts in the state. As such, one would expect that FWCS has a large payroll.
He states that 56 individuals make more than $100,000. Thirteen earn more than Gov. Eric Holcomb, and six earn more than Mayor Tom Henry. FWCS employs more than 2,000 individuals. General Motors employs nearly 4,000 employees, and more than 30 percent of the employees earn more than Holcomb and/or Henry.
Mr. Thompson as well as others should compare apples to apples and not throw in oranges to confuse or incite the masses. I wish Thompson well in all future endeavors, but I would be remiss if I did not point out this faulty comparison.
Gerald Anthony Reed
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

At 5 '9" tall The Griffin is now claiming to be 1/1024 dwarf. Lizzy "Rachel Dolezal" Warren's book named Pow Wow Chow was written for what reason? To add to her smelley stack of victimization buffalo crap? And Dolezal had to work to acheive a permanent sun tan and curly afro hairstyle. My new book will be out soon. It's called "Short Like Me". Even though the average adult male height is 5-9. My demands will include surgically implanted lifts. And as a side note The Boston Globe needs an arithmetic lesson. Take 2 times 2 six times. Then 2 times 2 ten times. Whew! Tough one! Maybe they are FWCS top graduates.