Wednesday, October 24, 2018

According to the MSM and Dope Party rooting for America is now racist

PDJT is pretty plain spoken.  He called porn star Stormy Daniels - horse face, Shrillda the Hutt – crooked, Jeb!! – low energy, illegal aliens – rapists and murderers, MS13 – animals, Demo-Dope activists – angry mobs, Rosie O’Donnell – fat slob, CNN – fake news, NY Times – failing, Lizzy Paleface Warren – Pocahontas, Kin Jun Un – Lil’ rocket man etc. etc. PDJT is the great labeler, and the labels stick.

There’s a rather endless list of PDJT truisms. PDJT’s blunt way of speaking has often gotten him in trouble.  When asked about John McCain, he said he preferred war heroes that were not captured.  The Access Hollywood unguarded moment was supposed to be the end of the Trump Presidential Campaign.

Okay, Lex we got it. PDJT is a rather unfiltered, shoot from the hip, let her rip spokesman.  What’s the point?

Well the point is that when PDJT told the crowd at a Houston rally that he was a “Nationalist” the MSM went nuttier than usual.  That’s code, that’s a dog whistle, that’s thinly veiled racist speak, blah, blah, blah. 

It’s just really weird that the exact same people who bitch about PDJT’s blunt impolitic way of speaking are now saying PDJT codes his white nationalist leanings.

First off, PDJT was never once labeled a racist before he took his famous escalator ride.  What are the chances that a guy who was never once accused of racism before deciding to run for president would decide that being a racist was a winning presidential campaign strategy? Nary has a day slipped by since the campaign against Shrillda the Hutt heated up that the MSM has not labeled PDJT a racist.

So since day one PDJT has been an America first, MAGA candidate and president.  But when he announces that at a rally, he’s a racist.  When he explains his nationalism in the clearest terms, globalist are “not interested in our country so much”* and that he is interested in this nation doing well, he’s not a nationalist at all – he’s a racist.

*NOTE:  It’s almost impossible to find the actual quote from PDJT at the Houston rally.  I watched it.  I knew what he said.  But it’s hard to find PDJT’s juxtaposition of globalism Vs. nationalism that he made at the rally on any search engine.  Why am I not surprised.

This whole thing reminds of the Olympics way back when.  NBC (I think) anchor Bryant Gumbel chastised Americans for rooting for the American team.  YGBSM?  No.  See that would be nationalism I guess.

I root for the American teams in international sports.  I root for the Americans in combat.  I root for the Americans in economic competition. I root for the Americans when the Americans compete with anyone anywhere. I guess I’m a nationalist.  I guess by MSM, Demo-Dope logic I’m a racist.

Today’s JG Rant
Re: Photo of Mike Braun accompanying front page article, “Poll puts Donnelly, Braun in dead heat” of Oct 23, 2018
Given the journalistic integrity at the JG, I’m absolutely certain the picture of Mike Braun on the front page of the Oct 23rd edition was the very best anyone at the JG could manage.

The JG used a professional campaign photo of Mexico Joe Donnelly but couldn’t manage offer up the same for Mike Braun. 

This obvious bias on the supposed “news page” of the JG proves is that the JG is populated by underhanded, double dealing, unprofessional hacks. 

Is there one professional journalist employed by the JG that might point out the blatant EDITORIAL favoritism toward Mexico Joe that the photos demonstrated ON – THE – NEWS - PAGE?  Apparently not.        

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