Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Kanye & how many days in week?

I don’t know much about Kanye West.  I know he’s a black man married to a woman with a ginormous azz.  I know he made a lot of money in the music industry, but I cannot name a single Kanye West song. That’s what I know about the guy.

So Kanye dawns a MAGA hat for the after the show, show.  SNL producers told Kanye that couldn’t wear the hat. Kanye wore it anyway and told the audience that nobody tells Kanye what he can do. Well good for him.

What caught my attention about this incident is what Kanye said about racism.  He said, “If I was concerned about racism, I would have left America a long time ago.”  I guess you could read that a couple of different ways.  Is he ambivalent about American Racism?  Probably not. I think any thinking American would agree that there is racism in America – much of it on the left and among race baiting azzbags – Revs Not-so-Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, the wad Holder, The Empty Suit et al.  So while racism exists, probably everywhere by the way, life in America is pretty good.  Kanye makes the case that Lex has made since this NFL kneeling BS started*, the millionaire race baiters who have the means to escape this hell hole never do.

That tells me all need to know.

*NOTE:  Great minds think alike?  So why am I not a millionaire rapper?

FBI Investigation
Who knew that the 7 days of the flake (i.e. the 7th FBI investigation of Kavanaugh) wouldn’t be enough for Demo-Dopes?  Everybody with a brain.

You could hear the Dopes moving the goal post the second after Flake the flake made his showboat coward’s move asking for a 7 day* FBI investigation before the committee vote last Friday.  So now the Dopes have come up with 24 names they want the FBI to talk to.  Hmm, wonder how many of the 24 maxed out their contribution to the Dope party and Dope candidates? 

The idiot college woman (Ramirez) has another 20 names she says the FBI needs to talk to.  WTF?  She cannot come up with one person who remembers or corroborates her claim but she wants the FBI to talk to 20 more people?  YGBSM. To what end?  For what purpose?

*NOTE:  Okay class, why does everyone on cable TV think that a seven day investigation (or a one week investigation) that started on a Friday end on the following Friday?  Seems to me a seven day investigation that starts on Friday should end on the following Thursday. As in:  Friday (day one); Saturday (day two); Sunday (day three); Monday (day four); Tuesday (day five); Wednesday (day six); Thursday (day seven).  I guess it could hinge on when the actual order to the FBI was released.  If you believe the news, big if, PDJT ordered the FBI to start its investigation on last Friday. So if it’s a one investigation, shouldn’t it end on Thursday this week?

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